专利名称:AUTOMATIC WELDING EQUIPMENT发明人:Chin-Changmr HSIEH申请号:US13886268申请日:20130502
摘要:Automatic welding equipment includes a wave soldering machine including atank, a plurality of first nozzles, a first pump, and a first guide plate. The tank has anopening. The first nozzles and melted solder are disposed in the tank. The first pump isdisposed in the tank for jetting the solder via the first nozzles. The first guide plate is
located at the opening and includes a first plate portion and a second plate portion. Thefirst plate portion is located over the first nozzles and has a plurality of first holes forpassed through by the solder jetted from the first nozzles. The second plate portion,connected to the first plate portion, guides the solder to flow out of the first holes. Thesolder guided by the second plate portion passes through second holes of the secondplate portion and returns into the tank.
地址:Taipei City TW
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