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航空英语 学习

爬升 climbing, to gain height ;

迫降 forced landing;

盘旋 circling;

夜航 night service;

晕机 airsick;

直飞 direct/straight flight;

颠簸 to rock, to toss, to bump;

着陆 landing;

滑行 to taxi along;

低空飞行 to lose height, to fly low;

迎/顺风 to face/fly with the wind .





KN——由( )飞往( )的机场。我们现在的巡航高度是————。预计到达( )机场的时间是———。根据天气预报______机场的温度是? 本次飞行中,如果你有任何需要请与我们客舱内服务员联系。再次感谢您乘坐??航班,祝您旅途愉快!

Good morning, afternoon,evening Ladies and Gentlemen: This is the capitan speaking, Welcome aboard China ??Airlines flight KN___from______to_____airport. Now, the FL is _____meters. Except arrive time is _________am/ pm. According to the weather forecast, the temperature at ________airport is _______度。During this flight, our cremenber will be at your service. Thanks for choosing ??flight. Have a good trip!!!

返 航


我是本次航班机长,由于*1,机械故障 2,重病旅客 3,天气原因,我们决定备降、返航???机场。预计到达时间—————。如果有新的消息,我们将及时通知您。我代表机组对本次航班中给您带来的不便深感抱歉。同时非常感谢您给我们的支持和配合。谢谢!

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This is the capitan speaking。1,Because of the mechanical problem that needs correction. 2, As there is a passenger that needs

urgent medical assistance, 3, Due to bad weather, we have decided to make an additional stop and land at_____airport at ____am/ pm. Further information will informed to you as soon as possible. We apologize for the in convenience caused. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation.

延 误


我是本次航班机长,由于1,机械故障需要维修,2,??机场天机不佳, 3,航路管制, 4,货物行李装载, 5,文件交接工作尚未完成。飞机将推迟___起飞/降落!请你在座位上休息,有新的消息我们将及时通知您。我代表机组对本次航班的延误,向你们表示歉意。同时非常感谢您给我们的配合和支持。谢谢!

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This is the capitan speaking!1,Because of the mechanical problem that is now being corrected. 2, Because of the bad weather over____airport. 3, As we are waiting for depature clearance from air traffic control. 4,As we need more time for loading baggage. 5, Due to the late arrival of important document, our flight will be delayed for about_____. Please remain in your seat, Further information will informed to you as soon as possible. We apologize

for the delay of this flight. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation.


this is your captain speaking, wo are in an emergency situation, please do as the flowing instrautions


美国机长广播:“各位旅客,我们现在飞机有一些小故障,等待排除。我会在15分钟后给大家汇报进展„„(5分钟后)嗨,我很高兴地通知各位现在飞机故障已经排除啦。但是,如同大家可以见到的,现在外面的天气似乎不是很好,正在下雪。不过好消息是飞机的引擎在寒冷的空气中能更好地工作。尽管如此,我们还要先进行一个除冰程序。我现在可以看见我们的前面大概有四架飞机排队,因此预期我们可能在15到20分钟后进行除冰,然后再过15分钟后可以起飞,如果不出意外的话。除冰过程中,可能有一些除冰溶剂会通过飞机的空调口进入机舱,如果您闻到一些异味,属于正常现象,您不用担心。最后,我代表整个机组为飞机的延误对您表示诚挚的歉意,并祝您旅途愉快。” 中国机长广播:“现在机场流控,我们正在排队,请您耐心等候。”
