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导读 青少版新概念2B课文文本_Unit_16-30

青少版新概念 2B 课文文本 Unit 16-30

Unit 16: What’ s your middle name?

WILLIAM: Is there something wrong Karen? KAREN: It's OK. I'm being silly.

WILLIAM: That's impossible .You're never silly. KAREN: Oh, but I am!

I'm silly all the time. Believe me!

KAREN: I did something very silly this morning. I picked up some shopping in town.

KAREN: I arrived home at about 10 o'clock, and parked the car in the drive. I unlocked the house with my house keys.

KAREN: Then, Daisy called me on my mobile, and we talked about the weekend. We discussed plans for Sunday. Then we finished the call.

KAREN: Then I looked for my car keys. I looked in my bag, in my coat, in the kitchen, everywhere. WILLIAM: And where were they?

KAREN: They were in my hand! The key-ring was on my little finger- William, 'Silliness' is my middle name!

Unit 17: A cuckoo in the nest

Paul's father, Ken Bruce is an engineer. He's also an enthusiastic birdwatcher.

Last spring, two little birds appeared in his garden. Ken installed a webcam, and invited his neighbours to log on. Everyone watched enthusiastically. Soon, there was a little nest. Then, another bird arrived. It was a cuckoo. The cuckoo watched patiently. Three little eggs appears in the nest.

The cuckoo waited. Suddenly, she had her chance. The mother wasn't there. The cuckoo darted to the nest. In two seconds, there was a fourth egg beside the other three.

After twelve days, the young cuckoo hatched. The little birds hurried to get food for the baby cuckoo. Ken's neighbours watched excitedly. The baby cockoo picked up the other eggs easily with its back, and pushed them out of the nest. The birds returned and pushed food into its mouth. After twenty days, the cuckoo was enormous! On 6th May, it opened its wings. In a moment, the nest was empty. The show was over.

Ken's neighbours are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now, of course.

Unit 18: Read this label!




LUCY: Do you want one of these, Vikki?

VIKKI: No, thanks! I ate some of those about a year ago. Once was enough! LUCY: Why? What happened?

VIKKI: I missed breakfast that morning, because I did my piano practice before school. Mum gave me my lunchbox, and I went for the bus.

VIKKI: On the school bus I felt a bit sick. I always feel sick on buses, anyway.

VIKKI: I needed to eat something. I looked in my lunchbox and discovered the Crispy Trolls. VIKKI: I ate four Crispy Trolls, one after another. At the same time I read the label on the packet. VIKKI: Then I felt really sick! Yuk! Honestly, Lucy, this stuff isn't food. It's chemistry. Read the label!

Unit 19: A problem with squirrels

POLLY: Did you see my new bird feeder Annie? ANNIE: Yes, I did. I saw it last week

POLLY: Well, I bought it because of the label. It said, 'This bird feeder is squirrel-proof'. ANNIE: Yes, you told me that.

POLLY: Well, I brought it home. I put lots of nuts in it. And I hung it outside the kitchen window.

POLLY: That night, a squirrel broke into the 'squirrel-proof' bird feeder. It ate all the nuts. The squirrel's

tummy became enormous. ANNIE: Oh, no! Don't tell me!

POLLY: The next day, I went into the kitchen. What did I see? A dead squirrel in my bird feeder,

outside my kitchen window!

ANNIE: That's awful! What did you do?

POLLY: I cut it down, and put it in a bag. Then I took it back to the shop. They gave me my money


ANNIE: But what's the use of that?

POLLY: I wanted a squirrel-proof bird feeder, and I haven't got one!




Unit 20: An ordinary life

Nina; I want to tell you something, Daisy; What is it, Nina?

Nina: This will be my last fashion shoot.

I'm going to get an ordinary job in an office.

Daisy : But why, Nina?

You're a very successful model. Why do you want to change?

Nina: I'm successful now.

But I won't always be successful. And I want an ordinary life.

NINA: In an office job,

I'll work regular hours. I'll go home in the evening

NINA: I'll cook beautiful meals

and eat them with my friends. And I'll sleep in the same bed every night.

NINA: And maybe, one day,

I'll meet the right man.

And we'll have an ordinary life together. It'll be wonderful!

Unit 21: The weather forecast

ANNOUNCER: And now it's five to nine,

and time for the weather forecast. Let's go over to Carla Dane at the London Weather Centre. Carla.

WEATHER FORECASTER: Thanks John, and go morning!Last month was

unusually cold and dry. But all that will change in the next few days.

From today, the wind will blow

from the south west.




It will bring in warm air from the Atlantic.

And we'll have some rain. Rain will come in gradually from the south west this evening.

The whole country will have some rain showers in the next three days.

Some of them will be heavy. Temperatures will rise to 12 degrees Celsius

in the day. Night temperatures will fall to 4 degrees Celsius. It will feel cold over the hills. And the outlook for next weekend:

the three w's- warm,wet and windy. And that's

your weather forecast. Back to John at the studio.

Unit 22 I always behave myself

LUCY: Dad, there was a dance at school

last month, and I didn't go. There'll be another one next Friday night. Can I go?

WILLIAM: Who'll be at the dance? LUCY: It'll be a school event.

There will be some French student

but there won't be any outsiders. And our teachers will be there, tooWILLIAM: That sounds reasonable.

What time will it start?

LUCY: At half past seven.

WILLIAM: And how long will it last? LUCY: For two and a half hours.

It'll finish at 10.




WILLIAM: All right, Lucy.

Your mother will take you there, and I'll pick you up. Be at the school gates at 10 o'clock sharp. Is that clear?

LUCY: Yes. Dad. Thanks; WILLIAM: And Lucy,

you will behave yourself, won't you?

LUCY: Of course, Dad. I always do!

Unit 23 Quite tall ⋯ and quite striking!

DAISY: ... So, Cleo, that's the news.

Can you send me your New Faces file?

CLEO: Of course. Daisy.

I’11 send a messenger.

CLBO: HOW far is it to your house.

from here?

DAISY: It's about 45 miles. CLBO: That's not far.

You'll have the pictures by two o'clock.

DAISY: Good. What are they like?

CLEO: Well, all the girls are quite young.

One of them is very young. Her mother comes with her.

DAISY: I get the picture.

Is there anyone special?

CLEO: That's Sandy.

She's quite tall.

DAISY: How tall?

CLEO: She's one metre eighty-two. DAISY: What height is that?

Just a moment⋯

OK, it's about five foot eleven. That's very tall.




CLBO: Yes, she's quite striking

I'll send the file now.

DAISY: Thanks. Cleo. I'll have a look.

I'll call you tomorrow.

CLEO: Thanks, Daisy. Bye!

Unit 24 A quiz

ROBERT: Lucy, I'm writing a quiz

for my class,

and I want to try it out.

Can I try it out on you, please?


ROBERT: Which is the highest mountain

in the British Isles?

LUCY : It's Ben Nevis, of course! ROBERT: What's the longest river

in the world?

LUCY: I'm not sure.

Is it the Nile, or the Amazon?

ROBERT: It's the Nile.

I looked it up yesterday. The Nile is longer than the Amazon.

LUCY: IS it?

ROBERT: Yes. They're both long rivers.

It isn't obvious, is it?

LUCY: No. It's a good question. ROBERT: Which continent has

the lowest population density?

LUCY: Goodness, Robert! I don't know!


ROBERT: No! It's a trick question.

Australia's a continent,

and it has only six people to the square mile.But obviously, the answer is 'Antarctica'!




Unit 25 Karen saves some money

KAREN: Which of these two suits do you prefer, William?

The one on the right, or the one on the left? WILLIAM: They're both the same.

They're both the same size They're both the same colour. And they're both the same style.

KAREN: They both look the same,

but they're very different in quality.One is made of linen, and the other

is made of microfibre. The microfibre one

is cheaper than the linen one.

WILLIAM: Which one do you prefer, Karen? KAREN: I'll have the microfibre one.

It isn't as expensive as the linen one.

WILLIAM: Are you sure?

I can't tell the difference, but you can.

I want you to be happy with it.

KAREN: That's OK.

I'm saving money on the suit. So now I want

to buy a pair of shoes to go with it.

Unit 26 School reports

FLORA: What's your report like, Vikki? VIKKI: It's all right.

FLORA: Can I have a look? VIKKI: OK.

FLORA: WOW, Vikki!

Listen to this, Lucy!

English excellent, French excellent, Maths excellent, Music excellent,

Geography excellent




Everything is excellent! LUCY: I know!

Vikki's report is always better than mine.

FLORA: And your report is always

better than mine.

LUCY: Your reports are quite good, Flora. FLORA: But not as good as yours and Vikki's.

You're both cleverer than me.

LUCY: Well, Vikki always comes top.

She's the cleverest girl in the school.

VIKKI: You're the best gymnast, Flora.

I always come bottom in Sports. Look!

‘Sports: Vikki tries hard.'

VIKKI: It's a joke!

Of course I try hard.

But obviously not hard enough!

Unit 27 Pocket money

LUCY: Have you got any money, Robert? ROBERT: A little. Why? LUCY: Can you lend me some? Just for a week.

ROBERT: HOW much do you want? LUCY: Just a few pounds. Well, ten pounds, actually.

ROBERT: Ten pounds! That's a lot! Why haven't you got your own money? We both get the same everymonth. LUCY: Yes, but you've always got more money than me.

ROBERT: YOU always spend your pocket money at the beginning of the month. LUCY: I know! And you always save yours. You're a good boy, and I'm a bad girl! LUCY: Please, Robert! , I'll pay you back on Saturday. ROBERT: LUCY: All right then.




But only for a few days. Thanks! You're the best!

Unit 28 She doesn't even exist

ROBERT: Why do you have all these posters

in your room. Lucy?

LUCY: Because I like them. ROBERT: Look at that big face!

It's silly.

Why did you put it on the ceiling?

LUCY: Because I like it.

ROBERT: Who's this, anyway? LUCY: It's Jonno.

He's the best singer in the world. And he's the most handsome.

ROBERT: That's silly. LUCY: No, it isn't!

LUCY: Anyway, who's your favourite? ROBERT: Leena Lang.

She's the most beautiful girl in the world, and the eleverest.LUCY: Lecna Lang! That's crazy!

She's just someone in a computer game.

ROBERT: I don't care. She's the best detective

and the best martial arts master.

LUCY: But she isn't real!

She doesn't even exist!

ROBERT: She does.

She's as real as Jonno any day!

Unit 29 No one ’ s better than Paul!

CLAIRE: Paul is a fantastic athlete. Linda

He comes first in everything.

LINDA: He was always a strong runner. CLAIRE: In the Championships last year,

the '800 metres' was a very fast race. But Paul ran the fastest. He was 15 seconds faster than his nearest rival.




LINDA: There were a lot of his friends

in the Championships, weren't there?

CLAIRE: Oh, yes! They all did very well


CLAIRE: Tom won the high jump.

He jumped 1.49 metres.

That was 3 centimetres higher than all the others.

CLAIRE: And Phil came first

in the long jump.

He jumped further than anyone . He broke his personal record.

CLAIRE: They're all fantastic, really! LINDA: Yes, they are.

But no one's better than our Paul!

Unit 30 A giant squid

ROBERT: I bought New Scientist magazine

this week. Dad.

WILLIAM: Did you?

I'll give you the money for that. How much did you pay for it?

ROBERT: It cost 3.70£ (three pounds seventy)]WILLIAM: Here you are.

I enjoy New Scientist. I'll read it after you.

ROBERT: There's a piece in it

about a giant squid. It's on show

at the Natural History Museum.

ROBERT: It ’ s 9 metres long.

William: Nine metres ... that's about 30 feet .

That ’ s as long as a London bus!




ROBERT: I know.

Its eyes are as big as plates, and its suckers

are at big as a man's leg.

WILLIAM: That's amazing.

ROBERT: Can we go and see it. Dad? WILLIAM: Yes. of course.

We'll go on Sunday morning.

The rest of the family will be at the athletics.


