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Inventory management of components

2024-01-06 来源:好土汽车网
导读 Inventory management of components

专利名称:Inventory management of components发明人:Keith Istvan Farkas,Parthasarathy

Ranganathan,Cullen E. Bash



摘要:A system for managing inventory of components in a room. The system includesan identification device configured to communicate identification information relating toan associated component, a reader device configured to substantially autonomously

receive the identification information from the identification device, and means foridentifying the locations of the identification devices. The system also includes acontroller configured to communicate with the reader device and compile theidentification information received from the reader device and the locations of theidentification devices to maintain an inventory of the components.

申请人:Keith Istvan Farkas,Parthasarathy Ranganathan,Cullen E. Bash

地址:San Carlos CA US,Palo Alto CA US,San Francisco CA US


