Jennifer Kramer
W. pearl St.
Baltimore, MD 21274
A challening position in Inventory Management with a successful and growing company.
Over ten years of successful experience in all phases of inventory management, including management of regional distribution managers, shipping, recieving, budgets, and inventory.
Director of Supply and Distribution, 1998 - present
Datron Manufacturing - New York, NY
Eastern Regional Distribution Manager, 1996 - 1998
SONY- New York, NY
Responsible for hiring, motivating, and training a staff of up to 10 senior distribution managers from Sony warehouses in the eastern region of the country. Worked directly with top company executives on streamlining budget and optimizing shipping procedures through a partnership with Fed-Ex.
Distribution Manager, 1992 - 1996
Food Lion Distribution Center - Greencastle, pA
Responsibile for the management of the day-to-day warehouse operations and inventory control for a large distribution center. Additional duties involved a warehouse automation initiative and dealing with general outbound freight logistics.
B.A., Business, 1990 penn State University, State College, pA