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导读 重型汽车MAN售后服务

Driven by you.

Efficiency means partnership.The saying “after-sales equals pre-sales” holds true for commercial vehicles, too. So in developing special ambitions for After Sales, we at MANalso have our own interests at heart: We want to ensure you will always choose MAN when you purchase a new vehicle. And since we know that only satisfied customers are loyal customers, we set ourselves the highest standards and aim for 100% customer satisfaction. We have continuously added to and optimised our after-sales portfolio, offering you comprehensive care to keep you well on your way in every respect.But it’s not just a question of mobility. You also want more transport perfor-mance, lower administration and fleet costs, and greater security of investment.In short: Your success is paramount. As a global solutions supplier we act as your co-pilot, reliably accompanying you wherever you go. Partnership, expertise and performance are values that we live in practice. That‘s MAN efficiency you can depend on.23our solutions for you. As wide-ranging as your needs.MAN brings things together that belong together: Innovative, reliable vehicles and expert services – Pre Sales and After Sales. Our integrated, comprehen-sive transport solutions optimise your opportunities to improve performance and increase the cost effectiveness of your fleet. MAN’s service brands cover everything – from vehicle financing and tailor-made service and support pa-ckages to clever alternatives such as MAN Rental and MAN TopUsed. All naturally incorporating qualified advice and expert care. What more could you want?MAN ServiceMAN Supportn󰀞TeleMatics® for fleet control, fleet management and logisticsn󰀞Onboard communication – navigation systems, CB radion󰀞MAN ProfiDrive® – driver training for improved economy and safetyn󰀞FleetServices – modules and concepts MAN FinanceMAN RentalMAN TopUsedn󰀞More than 1,650 service centres worldwiden󰀞BusTopService for premium buses from MAN and NEOPLANn󰀞ComfortService with customised maintenance and repair solutionsn󰀞Mobile24 round-the-clock break-down assistancen󰀞ServiceCard for cashless payment of servicesn󰀞Genuine parts – because quality is n󰀞Credit – the attractive form of financingn󰀞Lease – customised leasing terms that pay dividendsn󰀞CombiContract – finance offers combined with servicesn󰀞Insurance – the sure way for your n󰀞Vehicles, trailers for all transport needsn󰀞Various weihgt categories with system and body variantsn󰀞Flexible rental periods n󰀞Full service with 24-hour hotlinen󰀞Shortterm rental/substitute for n󰀞Large selection of high-quality used vehicles n󰀞All makes and classes of trucks and busesn󰀞Used vehicle purchased guarantee up to 1 million kilometres on request n󰀞Vehicle finder at right up to complete outsourcing workshop stopover, longterm rental www.man-topused.com transport irreplaceable 45Wherever you’re on the road.

Globally local.

Our global service strategy combines closeness to the customer with quality and reliability, and guarantees high levels of safety. With service regions spread worldwide, 58 MAN centres and more than 1 650 support centres, we offer compre-hensive services from a single source – and close to you, where you need them. Wherever you are, we are there for you. Our breakdown service is available 24/7. If you should experience an emergency, just call MAN Service Mobile24.

n󰀞Round-the-clock service with Mobile24Good is not good enough for us.

Our ambition is to meet our customers‘ require-ments, both now and in the future. All MAN workshops undergo regular audits to ensure that high levels of service quality are maintained. Another important element is the annual MAN ServiceQualityAward, our internal competition to promote service performance.

The benefits for you:BusTopService - putting your bus in the best hands.

BusTopService stands for premium service in and around our buses. As a customer you have priority in separate bus lanes. Are served by bus specialists with the best qualifications. And you receive a competent solution for every imaginable problem with your bus. The service portfolio is rounded off by a whole variety of extras: from collect-and-return through to caring for your passengers in the event of an unexpected break in their journey.If that‘s not top service.

n󰀞MAN service with high levels of reliability and safetyn󰀞Service network with more than 1 650 support centres worldwide n󰀞Short distances, quickly reachedn󰀞Expert care of trucks and buses67Personal. Skilled. Committed.

Our employees make the difference.Whether just maintenance or a whole-vehicle We keep up with technical innovations by ensuring system service – you’re in expert hands at MAN. our employees constantly expand and deepen their Our service personnel know the trucks and buses knowledge. State-of-the-art training centres and like the back of their hand. You benefit from our certified trainers ensure first-class advanced training.


8Top-quality workshop equipment.

Two of our top priorities are permanent modernisa-The benefits for you:tion of our MAN workshops and optimising work processes to reduce your vehicle’s downtime to n󰀞Qualified repair and maintenancea minimum. In some cases, the advanced high-n󰀞Expert skilled workers who undergo constant performance technology and electronics of our trainingcommercial vehicles call for very expensive special tools. The latest electronic diagnosis systems are n󰀞Modern workshop equipment with special tools for available for fast and accurate fault analysis. MAN all MAN vehiclesis also using an increasing number of online solu-n󰀞Short downtimes, high levels of vehicle availabilitytions.


Sign up for efficiency.

MAN ComfortService – perfectly tailored to your needs.

Purchasing a vehicle with MAN ComfortService included is a very shrewd move – you can focus on your core business while MAN looks after periphe-ral service matters. As well as saving you time and money, your costing benefits from long-term planning security and you avoid vehicle damage and break-downs from the outset.

MAN ComfortService allows you to choose according to your individual requirements: Opt for the Comfort service package with all regular maintenance included. Choose ComfortPlus that also includes statutory inspections. Choose ComfortPlus, which also gives you legally specified inspection. Or would ComfortRepair suit you better? Here you get maintenance management and all wear-and-tear repairs, plus other individually agreed services. The full program comes with ComfortSuper, containing all the above services.

10The benefits for you:n󰀞Security in terms of costing and planningn󰀞High levels of vehicle availabilityn󰀞Shorter downtimesn󰀞Optimum value retention through higher resale value n󰀞Reduced administrative expense n󰀞More scope for your core businessComfort: Maintenance contract (regular maintenance)

ComfortPlus: M aintenance contract (regular maintenance) with the

statutory inspections

ComfortRepair: Maintenance contract (regular maintenance) plus remedying of all defects due to wear and tear

in operation

ComfortSuper: Maintenance contract (regular maintenance with legally specified inspection) plus remedying of all

defects due to wear and tear in operation

A service that goes that bit further.

You can always ask MAN for that little bit more. For example, we also offer solutions for trailers, semitrailers, bodies and engines. Even a collect and return service for you, your driver or your vehicle. Just the kind of service you would expect from MAN.


for your financial mobility.

MAN ServiceCard

IIf you think first-class service is trumps, MAN deals you the best card. The MAN ServiceCard gives you extra mobility and independence.

12With the MAN ServiceCard you’re sure of a wel-Your benefits at a glance:come at more than 1 350 support centres, and can pay all repair costs, maintenance and spare parts cashlessly That also means our Mobile24 n󰀞European-wide mobility and flexibilityservice of course, including recovery and towing. n󰀞Cashless service en route at more than 45 000 stations in more than 40 countriesThe MAN ServiceCard also offers you a range of extra services from diesel at over 35 000 filling n󰀞No card chargesstations to fees such as motorway tolls, ferries and n󰀞No service fee for repairs in MAN workshopstunnel passage.

n󰀞Fast processing of repairs, short downtimesn󰀞No need to exchange foreign currencyn󰀞Simple, transparent billingn󰀞Settlement twice a month 13

Non-stop service.MAN Service Mobile24 for round-the-clock assistance.Even though you’ll probably never need it, it’s good Mobile24 center. A skilled agent who speaks your to know it’s there: Our mobility service is available language will then set the ball rolling so you get for you round the clock, 365 days a year. No matter help as quickly as possible. Regardless of your what problem you have with your MAN or destination, we’ll do our utmost to get you there NEOPLAN vehicle – you can always rely on fastreliably and safely.assistance. If you break down, just call the MAN14The benefits for you:n󰀞Available round the clock, 365 days a yearn󰀞Choose between eight languages identified by different end dialling numbersn󰀞Fast assistance for all MAN trucks and MAN and NEOPLAN busesn󰀞Proactive communication between service center, workshop and customern󰀞Attractive price/performance for arrangement of assistance* and repair* 0.14 €/min on German landlines, prices from mobile phone net-works may vary. Prices for calls from other countries depend on tariff (figures: May 2010).


16Quality is irreplaceable.

MAN Genuine Parts® are always top quality.Just in time parts logistics.

When you choose a MAN vehicle you choose excel-When a problem occurs you need your vehicle lent quality. So why settle for anything less when it repaired as quickly as possible to keep downtimes comes to spare parts? With MAN Genuine Parts® to a minimum. It’s vitally important that the spare you can rest assured you’re driving with top quality parts and replacements you need are available. parts. Manufactured in accordance with MAN MAN service stations therefore always keep an guidelines and carefully inspected to ensure they average of 8 000 genuine parts in stock – even for meet our strict quality standards, they offer optimum older models and special vehicles. And if you should reliability and economy. Not forgetting the 12-month need a special part, it will be delivered overnight. worldwide guarantee. Quality you can rely on.

To ensure fast and reliable spare parts supplies, MAN has set up European Logistic Centers (ELC) to optimise logistics processes. This means around 95% of all parts can be delivered to workshops overnight. Customers benefit from improved order acceptance and delivery times, and of course from shorter downtimes in workshops.

The benefits for you:n󰀞MAN Genuine Parts® based on the state of the artn󰀞MAN quality with the latest technologyn󰀞Worldwide genuine parts guaranteen󰀞Parts held in stock for all MAN vehicle types – including older models and special vehiclesn󰀞Overnight parts supply through European Logistic Centers 17

Expect all-round support from a strong partner.

To speed up your success, make sure you’re in the right gear by knowing you can rely on our unique service, MAN Support. Our support services range from MAN TeleMatics®, an Internet service for inte-grated fleet management, through to our professional driver training service, MAN ProfiDrive®.

Locally, you can of course also purchase the navi-gation systems that best suit your needs, along with mobile phones, CB radios and mobile phone cards. And to ensure you can focus more attention on your core areas of expertise, MAN FleetServices offer extensive concepts right up to complete fleet outsourcing.


Develop your telematic skills.

MAN TeleMatics® – fleet management at the click of a mouse.

MAN TeleMatics® supplies you with essential data to optimise vehicle deployment and make your transport process transparent. The range of ser-vices covers tracking + tracing, vehicle deployment analysis and route history through to text message exchange, full order management and integration in existing scheduling systems. The remaining driving time display from the DTCO gives your schedulers additional planning security.

All you need to use MAN TeleMatics is an Internet-®

Services Vehicle deployment analysis + report Maintenance data Driving time and idle time display Position display and driving history Geofencing (polygon and circle) Release for viewing by third parties Address management Route planner with toll precalculation (D) Logbook Driver management Messaging (bidirectional) Status messages Job messages, destination forwarding Job management Data x x x x x x x x x x Schedu- lingxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe benefits for you:n󰀞Deployment analysis cuts costs n󰀞Fewer empty runs n󰀞Reduced idle times n󰀞Greater transparency in the transport process n󰀞Reduced scheduling workload n󰀞Increased customer satisfaction n󰀞Monitoring of time at the wheelcompatible PC in your scheduling department. Data exchange between vehicle and head office is via GPRS – at fixed costs across Europe. Trucks belonging to our Trucknology Generation can be


n󰀞Reduced fuel consumptionfitted with MAN Telematics® during manufacture, while other makes of vehicles can be retrofitted.


Always contactable. So you can achieve more.

MAN Communication – from mobile phones to navigation systems.

Whether it‘s urgent logistics information between comes to efficient vehicle deployment, a navigation scheduling, driver and customer, important traffic system is almost taken as read. And it goes without news and tour tips or simply a personal conversati-saying that whether mobile phone, navigation or on – modern communication sets many a ball CB radio – we have the right solution for you and rolling in the transport business too. And when it

your vehicle.

22On board with MAN:

n󰀞Electrical connection prepared for handsfree

(mobile) phone; MFL and Bluetooth capable. Handsfree enables operation of a Bluetooth phone in a vehicle. Calls are conducted through the handsfree microphone integrated in the vehicle and a loud-speaker. Operation is uncomplicated through the multifunction steering wheel and dashboard displays. Language control is possible in a variety of languages.n󰀞Navigation systems

to meet every requirement – from simple radio navigati-

on systems to high-end systems with high-resolution mapping and dynamic guidance to destination, where the traffic information from the TMC traffic message channel is automatically included in the route calculation. n󰀞CB radio*

– easy-to-use free radio service for exchanging traffic information and other news. Because of its limited range,

it’s especially popular for convoy driving and for city and short-haul transport.󰀞󰀞󰀞󰀞󰀞󰀞󰀞* Country-specific


What makes a good driver stand out? A willingness to become even better.

MAN ProfiDrive® training for greater economy Follow-up training for professional truck Vehicle familiarization

and safety.

and bus drivers.

You can only drive a vehicle efficiently Even good drivers can learn something with MAN Various legislation such as the commercial driver and safely if you know it inside out. ProfiDrive®. On MAN ProfiDrive® special training qualification directive of the EU requires regular A detailed half-day instruction course courses, truck and bus drivers improve their practical follow-up training for all professional drivers. on the functions and controls of MAN driving skills and consolidate their theoretical know-MAN ProfiDrive® offers seminars that cover all trucks and buses lays the foundation ledge. MAN ProfiDrive® is now offered in more than areas of learning demanded by law. To meet the for safe and economic handling of 25 countries.

special requirements of companies and


From the professionals for the professionals.

contractors, it is possible to choose from a variety of theory and practice modules.


focus on your core expertise. We’ll do the rest.

MAN FleetManagement for success on the bottom line.Transport companies are facing major challenges with increasing costs, higher performance requirements and increasing pressures of time. MAN FleetManagement gives you a firm basis to successfully overcome them.

26MAN FleetManagement links the products of MAN service operations and turns the commercial The benefits for you:vehicle into a customer-oriented transport solution. Whether you require customised concepts or n󰀞Transparent costs complete, integrated packages, the choice is up to n󰀞Reliable costingyou – we even offer full fleet outsourcing. MAN’s broad range of services covers everything involved n󰀞Cost reductionsin management of procurement, projects and n󰀞Reduced administrative expensereturns. We offer a complete solution for your fleet through components such as leasing, ComfortSer-n󰀞Lower investment and operating risksvice, fuel card management, vehicle tax, damage n󰀞Maximum vehicle availabilityand risk management right up to replacement vehicles, vehicles for peak demands, deployment analysis and penalty ticket management.

To enhance the efficiency of fleet management and optimize cost structures, MAN is the right partner.

