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Analysis on the Sustainable Development Capability of New Energy Listed Companies in China

2021-08-01 来源:好土汽车网
导读 Analysis on the Sustainable Development Capability of New Energy Listed Companies in China
Meteorological and Envionmentral Reseamh 20145(6):47—49,53 ,Editor:Yang Yingying Proofreader:Yang Yingying Analysis on the Sustai nable Development Capabi l ity of New Energy Listed Companies in China He Kun’ School of Economics,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 2661 00,China Abstract From the aspects of profitabiliy,debt payitng abiliy,operatitonal capaciy,cash fltow capaciy,and itnnovation capaciy,tthe sustainable development evaluation system of new energy listed companies in China was established,and then an empirical analysis was conduced.Finally, some p ̄icy suggestions were put forward.The empirialc analysis shows that there are many problems in the sustainable development of new ener- gY listed companies in China. Key words Sustainable development capabiliy;New enertgy listed companies;Panel data;China ln the context of energy saving and emission reduction caused by globa1 warming and environmental degradation.it is urgent to develop.With the implementation of New Energy Law of the People's Republic of China,new energy industry devel- ops wel1.However,whether new energy industry can realize 1 Establishment of the sustainable devel- opment evaluation system Of neW energy listed companies in China Due to diversity of properties of the evaluated object,the evaluation structure of the sustainable development is complex。 so it}s needed to establish an evaluation system composed of many elements and layem.According to previous studies on sustainable development(namely stable opertiaon,increasing achievement and persistent development 1 is worthy of anen- tion.New energy Iisted companies represent new energy indus— try.so sustainable development of new energY Iisted compa- sustainable development capabiliy tf Ioistd companiees.as well as characteristics of new energy Iisted companies.following the nies should be paid more attention to. At present,many scholars have been established various indicator systems to assess sustainable development capability principles of scientificity,comprehensiveness,objectivity,com- parability and availabiliy,tthe sustainable development evalua・ tion system of new energy Iisted companies in China was es— tablished fr0m five aspects of new energy listed companies.in- of new energy listed companies in China.For instance.Yu Li- iun established a warning model of sustainable development of new energy Iisted companies based on rough set and BP artifi— cial neural network….Using correlation analysis and compara- tive analySis,Chen Yan compared two kinds of Iisted enterpri- ses with strong and weak sustainable development capability to find factors influence their sustainable development,and then discussed the relationship between these factors and the SUS- cluding profitabiliy,compettitiveness,operationaI capaciy,t debt paying ability.cash flow capaciy and itnnovation capaciy t(Table 1). 2 Empirical analysis on the Sustainable development evaluation 0f new energy lis- tainable development .Afcer establishing a fuzzy comprehen- sIve evaluation modeI based on comprehensive evaluation in— dex of sustainable development capability of Iisted companies。 ted companies in China 2.1 Assessment methods and data sources To establish Yao Lushi evaluated sustainable development capabiliy oft lis- ted companies quantitatively.Besides,using data envelopment the sustainable development evaluation model of new energY Iisted companies in China.there were two dificulties as fol- lows:one is how to determine weight of each indicator。and the other is how to consider the changes of each indicator with time.Therefore.panel data were used to conduct factor analy- analysis(DEA),Zhang Liping et aL assessed sustainable de- velopment capability of Shanghai City .Here,using the sus- tainable development evaluation system of new energy Iistd eompanices。main factors influencing sustainable development sis.Panel data were three-dimensional data including time- of new energy listed companies were discussed based on paneI data.sO as to provide scientific references for the establish- series and cross-sectional data.In this study.1 5 su ̄ects were studied over a time span of 14 years.SO it iS assumed that the ment and implementation of new energy listed companies’SUS- tainable development strategies. structure of hidden factors in the indicator set can not change greatly jn a short term.and 14 years of data of each subject were regarded as 1 4 sample points.Afterwards.weight of each indicator was obtained through factor analysis。and then the comprehensive score of each common factor was calculated Received:May 9,2014 Accepted:June 12,2014 and arranged ln sequence.New energy listed companies oper- ating continuously during 2o00—201 3 were chosen frOm the }Corresponding author. E-mail:hkhdjy@163.com Meteorological and Environmental Research 2014 stock market of Shanghai and Shenzhen City as samples.Data SPSS17.0 software.The results show that the statistic of KMO of the indiactors were mainly fr0m China’S Securities Market fest iS 0. 42.SO factor analysis iS suitable for these jndiac- D ̄abase of China Center for Economic Research(CCER), torsl5 J.Among the five factors extracted,the first,second, GTA Economic and FinanciaI Research Database.Reith Eco- third,fou ̄h and fitfh factor explain 32.8%,19.2%,12.8%, nomic and FinanciaI Database.and annual repots of new ener- 7.8%and 7.4%of totaI variance of original indiactors respec- gY listed companies in China. tively.and the cumulative contribution rate reaches 80.O1% 2.2 EmpiricaI analysis After positive and standardization (Table2). treatment of the indicators。factor analysis was conducted using Table 1 Sustainable development evaluation system of new energy listed companies in China 2.2.1 Naming of each factor.To make the common factors defined as a profitability factor.Loads of indicators , 0, 1 more clear,o ̄hogonal rotation of load matrix of the factors was and Yl2 on the second factor F,are great,SO the second factor carried out using the maximum variance method to make load Fa can be named a debt paying ability factor.Because indica— of each factor close to-I-'1,一1 or 0。According to Table 2. tors Y6 and Y8 have large laCdS on the third factor F3,the factor 1oads of indicators ,Y2,Y3,Ys andY9 onthefirstfactor are can be called an operational capacity factor.Indicator Iarger compared with other factors,s0 the first factor can be has a Iarge Ioad on the fou ̄h factor ,SO the factor lS He Kun.Analysis on the Sustainable Development Capability of New Energy Listed Companies in China named a cash flow capacity.In addition,Ioads of indicators development of new energY listed companies,so the compa. and on the fitfh factor F5 are great,so the factor F5 is called an innovation and sustainable development capacity. nies should paid more attention to them.Additionally,the corn- panies have good debt paying ability,showing that controlling 2.2.2 Calculation of score of each factor and their compre- hensive score.Based on contribution rate and score of each factor。the comprehensive scores of new energY Iisted compa- nies in respect of sustainable development were calculated ac- debt risk and maintaining good debt paying ability have great significance to the sustainable development of the companies, and the capitaI structure of new energy Iisted companies in Chi. na tends to be rational gradually.Meanwhile.the operational cording to the formula F=0.328 +0.o78 +0.074 +0.192 -i-0.128 capacity and ash cflow capaciy tof these companies Is at a mid- die Ievel or above.because the companies Pay Iess attention to the operation of their assets and cash.However.their innova- 。and then arranged in sequence (Table 3).The higher the score,the stronger the sustainable development capability of new energy listed companies.Ac- cording to Table 3.it is concluded that the impact on the com- prehensive scores of new energy Iisted companies in respect of tion and sustainable development capaciy can nott affect the comprehensive score greatly.The higher the comprehensive score.the stronger the sustainable development capability of sustainable development are shown fr0m strong to weak as fol- new energy Iisted companies,but the comprehensive score of a company that is outstanding in an individual aspect is not lows:profitabiliy,debtt paying abiliy,opertational capacity, cash flow capaciy。and itnnovation and sustainable develop- ment apacicy.Itn a word.the sustainable development capabil- n、,of new energy Iisted companies depends on the five factors. high.For instance.the innovation and sustainable development apacicy tof G Shenneng(Stock code:600642)is in second place.but its sustainable development capabiliy tis in thitreenth place.Science City(000975)that is in first place has strong Among them,profitabiliy tand debt paying abiliy taffect the om—c prehensive scores more greatly compared with other capaci- ties.s0 they contribute more greatly to the sustainable develop- profitability,debt paying abiliy tand operational capaciy,and tits cash flow capaciy and itnnovation capacity are also at a high leve1.Meanwhile,Ganneng(o00899)that is in second place does very well in alI aspects. ment of new energy listed companies.It shows that their profit- ability and debt paying abiliy arte essential to the sustainable Table 3 Scores and sequence of the factors for new energy listed companies 3 Pol icy suggestions Based on stable profitabiliy and debtt Paying abiliy。itt is needed to speed up research and development of products,ac- and improve quality of after-sale service to lncrease market share of products. 1n addition.it is needed to further adjust industrial structure, promote optimization and upgrade of new energy industry,make fulI use of current policies.enhance internal management Ievel tively lntroduce and reserve talents.and improve qualiy tof erp- sonneI to increase competitiveness of products produced by new energY listed companies on the market.Meanwhile.it is nd operatiaon efticiency of enterprises,and reduce their produc- tion cost.1n detaiI.it is necessary to excavate internal potential of necessary to make fulI use of modern inf0rmation technology to promote improvement and optimization of production。operation and decision—making way of companies and their holding enter- n entaerprise,improve comprehensive qualiy atnd professional skillsofstaftoincreasetheiradaptabil andtechnical IeveI,train prises,thereby improving overalI innovation capaciy and mart_ ket competitiveness of companies.To improve the sustainable managers to improve their prdiection abi,y and adapttbial to changes in the market and envionment.and acrtively itreduce ndevelopment Ievel of new ene gy Iisted companies,it is neces- sary to accelerate research and development of new products nd rasereve talents for long-term development of enterprises. fT0 page53) Li Yunyan et a1.Innovation and Development Strategies of Investment and Financing Modes for Circular Economy and foreign capitals.Shanghai City issued welfare lo ̄ery of en. vironmental—protection themes with the total value of 5.0 x 1 O three parts have their own statisticaI channels and methods. and total investment of environmental protection is summed by the three aspects.For investment of circular economy.accord— yuan for treatment of Suzhou River,and Jinan and Changsha issued municipal bonds for the financing of urban water supply system construction.We can also issue welfare IOtterv of cir- ing to the principles of rductieon,reuse and recycling,the state should designate a range of circular economy investment as cular economy to absorb socialidie funds for the development of circular economy.Meanwhile,the development of circular quickly as possible by taking enterprise with demonstration effect of circular economy as main b0dy,and clear which can be classified into circular economy investment.thereby making economy in China has huge market potential and a ̄raction for many foreign investors.Therefore,we should sufficiently the investment of circular economV have targeted and opera- tionaI characteristics.The state should establish professionaI statisticaI system of investment and financing data for circular make good use of this opportunity。open market in accordance with the requirements of nationaI Industry-oriented names. create equaI competitive environment.thereby creating condi- conomy.and cleear statisticaI channeI of investment and finan— cing for circular economy as quickly as possible.On the one tion for foreign investors entering into C:hinese circular econo. my industry . hand,it provides data support for making scientific and reason— able investment and financing policies of circular economy.On the other hand.it also 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