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2022-05-03 来源:好土汽车网
导读 6.Form a small group of like-minded business owners(建立一个志同道合的企业家小群体)7.Find like-minded friends.(找志同道合的朋友。)

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、think about it. have you never sat down with like-minded friends and started to criticize another group?(想想吧,你是否曾经和志同道合的朋友坐在一起去批评别人?)

2、As a rule, the easiest thing to do is find like-minded people who have already gone through all the trouble.(作为一项规则,最简单的事情就是寻找已经解决了所有麻烦的志同道合的人们。)

3、In the rush to confer with our "like-minded" friends, we are Pharisees scurrying away from the tax collector.(在和我们志同道合的朋友匆忙的交谈中,我们是疾走远离税吏的法利赛人。)

4、Not everyone is convinced that the principle of recruiting like-minded colleagues is sound.(并不是所有的人都确信,这种聘用想法类似员工的原则是合理的。)

5、Conferences are good for mainly one thing: they provide a forum to meet like-minded people.(会议只有一个好处:那就是提供一个场所来结交志同道合的人。)

6、Form a small group of like-minded business owners(建立一个志同道合的企业家小群体)

7、Find like-minded friends.(找志同道合的朋友。)

8、like-minded industries have sprung up in Africa, Latin America and other parts of Asia.(相似理念的行业在非洲、拉美和亚洲的一些地区涌现。)

9、Have you ever felt that it's hard to meet like-minded people?(你是否曾觉得很难找到志同道合的人?)

10、If people are happier living with like-minded neighbours, why shouldn't they?(如果人们与相同思想的邻居居住更高兴,为什么他们不能这样?)

11、What worries me is that this may result in an audience of like-minded readers.(让我担忧的是这可能导致出现一群志趣相投的读者。)

12、That's the best way to find like-minded people just like you.(这是能够找到像你一样的志同道合者的最佳方案。)

13、To join a community of like-minded people, both peers and those to whom we can aspire.(可以加入志同道合者的社区,这些人中既有水平相当的也有自己敬佩的。)

14、Since we cannot do this alone, it will be necessary to enlist the support of like-minded states.(在我们一己之力尚无法做到这点的情况下,我们需要获取立场相近的国家的支持。)

15、They're a great way of sharing information and getting like-minded people together.(这是分享信息、同类人聚在一起的好途径。)

16、People come to fundraising dinners to help the cause and schmooze with other like-minded people.(人们去参加一个募捐晚宴去帮助共同的目标并且和其他一样想法的人们闲谈。)

17、Explore the groups, and join the Web Strategy group, where you'll find other like-minded strategists.(探究群组,加入网络战略群组(WebStrategyGroup),在那里你可找到其他像我这样的战略家。)

18、Forming a consortium of like-minded parties.(与志同道合的各方组成联合体。)

19、They wanted to connect with a community of like-minded people.(他们想和一群志同道合的人建立联系。)

20、Amadeus, based in Cambridge, had a hard time finding like-minded venture capitalists.(阿玛蒂尔斯以剑桥(Cambridge)为根基,曾一度很难找到知趣相投的合资风投资本家。)

21、There are many ways of discreetly finding like-minded partners, says Pamela Stephenson connolly.(帕梅拉·斯蒂芬森·康诺利说过:生活中有很多谨慎的方式可以找到志同道合的爱人。)

22、STEP TWO: Find like-minded users.(第二步找到志同道合的用户。)

23、The University of Miami's Post suggests arranging informal get-togethers for like-minded youngsters.(迈阿密大学的波斯特建议安排一些为兴趣相投的年轻人设立的聚会。)

24、You will get to create new ideas and plans of action together with like-minded colleagues.(你可以和志同道合的同事一起创造新的想法和行动计划。)

25、I appeal to all like-minded people to support me.(我呼吁所有志同道合的人来支持我。)

26、Join an association in your field and network with like-minded peers.(与和你志同道合的同行一起参加你所在行业的协会或社交团。)

27、Brainstorm with a group of like-minded writers.(与一群智取相投的作家一起做头脑风暴。)

28、Chinese use it to break news, offer frank opinions, and find like-minded individuals.(中国人用它来获取即时新闻,坦率地表达见解,并寻找意见相同的人。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


