造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The mantle's motions, analogous to those in a pot of boiling water, cool the mantle by carrying hot material to the surface and returning cooler material to the depths.(地幔的运动类似于一壶沸水的运动,它把热的物质带到表面,再把较冷的物质带到深处,从而使地幔冷却。)
2、since the early twentieth century, geophysicists have understood that the mantle churns and roils like a thick soup.(自二十世纪初以来,地球物理学家已经了解到地幔像浓汤一样搅动和翻滚。)
3、The formation of Earth's crust protected the inner layers of Earth from the high-energy particles in space, reducing the temperatures of the mantle and the core.(地壳的形成保护了地球的内层不受太空中高能粒子的影响,降低了地幔和地核的温度。)
4、The plumes apparently originate at great depths, perhaps as deep as the boundary between the core and the mantle, and many have been active for a very long time.(这些地幔柱显然起源于很深的地方,可能深至地核和地幔之间的边界,而且许多都已经活跃了很长时间。)
5、The explanation may be in Earth's mantle, the layer of rock underlying the tectonic plates and extending down over 1,800 miles to the outer edge of Earth's iron core.(解释可能是在地球的地幔中,这是在构造板块下面的岩石层,向下延伸超过1800英里到地球铁芯的外边缘。)
6、All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser sem-iliquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core.(所有板块都在缓慢移动,因为它们漂浮在密度更大的半流体地幔上,也就是地壳和地核之间的那一层。)
7、Much more than the crust, the mantle contains information about a planet's or moon's total composition.(地幔包含的远远不仅是地壳,还有关于行星或卫星的总体构成的信息。)
8、By compiling a map of seismic velocities from thousands of earthquakes across the globe, they can also begin to map temperatures and densities throughout the mantle.(通过编制全球数千次地震的地震速度图,他们还可以开始绘制地幔的温度和密度图。)
9、The descending rock is substantially cooler than the surrounding mantle and hence is less ductile and much more liable to fracture.(下降的岩石比周围的地幔的温度低很多,因此延展性较小,更容易断裂。)
10、Not everyone agrees, but some experts are convinced that whatever created the SPA Basin did penetrate the Moon's mantle.(并不是每个人都同意这个观点,但一些专家相信,无论塑造SPA盆地的是什么,它确实穿透了月球的地幔。)
11、Another possibility is that the sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convection currents that move the plates.(另一种可能是下沉的板块冷却了邻近的地幔,并产生对流,使板块移动。)
12、The oceanic plate is made of denser and heavier rock, so it begins to sink down under the continental plate and into the mantle.(海洋板块是由密度更大、更重的岩石构成的,所以它开始下沉到大陆板块之下,到地幔之中。)
13、As we've discussed, Earth's crust is made up of large plates that rest on a mantle of molten rock.(正如我们讨论过的,地壳由位于熔融岩石的地幔上的大型板块构成。)
14、Although the hot rock of the mantle is a solid, under the tremendous pressure of the crust and overlying rock of the mantle, it flows like a viscous liquid.(虽然地幔的热岩石是固体,但在地壳和地幔上覆岩石的巨大压力下,它像粘性液体一样流动。)
15、Moreover, the Moon's composition, though similar to that of Earth's mantle, is not a precise match.(此外,月球的成分虽然与地球的地幔相似,但并不完全吻合。)
16、In a titanic collision model, the bulk of the Moon would have formed from a combination of material from the impactor and Earth's mantle.(在泰坦尼克碰撞模型中,月球的大部分是由来自撞击者和地幔的物质结合形成的。)
17、Reservoirs of this hot rock collect in the base of the mantle.(这些热岩石的储层聚集在地幔的底部。)
18、An alternative theory is that the sinking part of the plate, which is denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it.(另一种理论是,板块下沉部分的密度大于周围较热的地幔,将板块的其余部分拉在后面。)
19、More and more of this plate, the ocean floor, would go down under the continent into the mantle.(越来越多的这种板块,即海床,将在大陆下方进入地幔。)
20、The Moon's mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is about the same as that of Earth's mantle.(月球的平均密度比地球低得多,但与地球的地幔密度大致相同。)
21、In this case, we especially want to know if any of the mantle, the layer beneath the crust, was exposed by the impact.(这种情况下,我们特别想知道存在于地壳下层的地幔,是否会因为撞击而暴露出来。)
22、As the ocean floor plate begins to sink down into the mantle, it would drag or pull the entire plate along with it.(当海洋底部开始下沉到地幔中,它会同时将整个海底板块拖拽下去。)
23、The "mantle plume" thus formed, once established, continues to channel hot material from the mantle base until the reservoir is emptied.(这样形成的“地幔柱”一旦形成,就会继续从地幔底部引导热物质,直到储层被排空。)
24、If it is true, the mantle rocks of the Moon and the Earth should be the same geochemically.(如果这是真的,月球和地球的地幔岩石从地球化学上来看应该是相同的。)
25、Most volcanoes that occur in the interiors of plates are believed to be produced by mantle plumes, columns of molten rock that rise from deep within the mantle.(人们认为,大多数发生在板块内部的火山爆发都是由地幔柱造成的,地幔柱是指从地幔深处涌出的熔岩柱体。)
26、It seems possible that a sinking current of cooled mantle material on the upper side of the plate might be the cause of such deep basins.(看来,板块上侧冷却的地幔物质的下沉流可能是造成这种深盆地的原因。)
27、The implication is that the gases in the mantle came not from the sun but from the early accretion of rocky material.(这意味着地幔中的气体不是来自太阳,而是来自岩石物质的早期积累。)
28、Because of its proximity to Earth's core, the rock at the base of the mantle is much hotter than rock in the upper mantle.(由于靠近地核,地幔底部的岩石比上地幔岩石的温度高得多。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。