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导读 和蔬果有关的表达的英语作文

As long as you do things with integrity, don't ask about success or failure.同学

互助 一起进步(页眉可删)


2 词语掌故:和蔬果有关的表达(2/2)

Likepotatoes, turnips are root vegetables thatgrow in the ground. Here is an old saying: you cannotsqueeze blood out of a turnip. That means you cannot get something froma person that he or she is not willing or able to give.


Youcannot squeeze blood out of a turnip: you cannot get something from aperson that he or she is not willing or able to give.

Farmers haveto separate the valuable parts of their crops from the waste. So separating the wheat from the chaff means keepingwhat is valuable and rejecting what is worthless.

chaff:n. 谷壳,糠,揶揄

vt. vi. 开玩笑,戏弄

separatingthe wheat from the chaff 去芜存菁

Studentsoften have to take a difficult test to gain entrance to a special school. Soyou could say the ones who are chosen are the best ones, or the cream of the crop.

thecream of the crop:精华,精英

There is anold saying that forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.That means some people get pleasure from doing something that they are notsupposed to do.

forbiddenfruit tastes the sweetest:somepeople get pleasure from doing something that they are not supposed to do

Bananas area popular fruit to eat. But if you go bananas,you are wild with excitement or worry.

gobananas:疯了wildwith excitement or worry

Finally, letus talk about lemons. Lemons have a sour taste if you eat them plain. But lemons makea nice drink when you mix their juice with sugar and water. So here is anexpression about lemons that we like: If life gives youlemons, make lemonade. This means you should always try to make the bestof a bad situation.

sour: a. 酸的,酸臭的,发酵的,愠怒的,讨厌的,拙劣的,不毛的

vi. 变酸,变乖戾,厌烦

plain:a. 简单的,明白的,平常的;

n. 平原,草原;平纹布;素色布

Iflife gives you lemons, make lemonade:you should always try to makethe best of a bad situation.








