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虽然美国国歌随处可听,但最有听头的无疑是超级碗(SuperBowl)比赛开始之前的演唱。超级碗是美国最大的体育节日 - 全美职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)的决赛,于每年一月底或二月初的某个星期天举行 。我虽然平时不看橄榄球,但这个热闹还是要凑的。


后街男孩乐团 (Backstreet Boys)
南方小鸡乐团 (Dixie Chicks)
菲丝.希尔 (Faith Hill)
玛丽娅.凯莉 (Mariah Carey)
惠特尼.休斯敦 (Whitney Houston)
碧昂斯(Beyonce Knowles)

首先说 Backstreet Boys的演唱,觉得没什么劲儿,没留下什么印象。我认为美国国歌女生唱较好听,因为能唱得高,越高越好听,男生总要低一点。而且他们唱得太阴柔,也可能Backstreet Boys就是这种风格吧。但美国国歌是战斗的基调,必须要更有爆发力才行,这个我没听出来。而且在下有个偏见,那就是总认为合唱的水平不如个唱的,这倒也不是凭白无故,没听说过Mariah Carey要去和别人搞合唱,因为没那个必要。所以我对双胞胎,老虎队什么的从不问津。当然,如果你跟我说The Beatles有多伟大那我也没话说,我也没听过他们东东,或许听过后我这个偏见就会被修正了。反正还是那句话,美国国歌还是个唱有听头。

Dixie Chicks 好些,由中间那个矮个女生一副宽厚的女中音开唱,稍后由两个高音跟上去,但似乎那个矮个女生始终是主唱,因为即使在曲调的最高处,她那副宽厚的中音仍清淅可辨,两个高音反而淹没在她的声音背景里了。在结尾处唱 “and the home of the brave”时把降调改为了升调,变成了乡村小调的味,有点儿意思,还是第一次听到这么改的。她们唱得还是满悠扬动听的,很有特色,只是显得太平,缺乏爆发力和变化,况且我还是认为美国国歌适于个唱。

Faith Hill唱的很好,不愧是具有坚强实力的中坚歌手,声音坚实,力度饱满,唱“And the rocket's red glare”高音时的爆发力非常痛快,但“red glare”之前好象换了一口气,也许这样会降低难度?但也可能她就是这么设计的,反正我是不懂,也无所谓,听着痛快就行了。

如果把Faith Hill比作莲花峰,那Whitney Houston就是金顶。实在找不出什么词形容她声音的高亢和嘹亮了。而且,不象Faith Hill那么全神贯注地调气,Whitney唱得游刃有余的样子是显而易见的,仿佛是在自家后花院里唱Happy Birthday那样轻松自在。张惠妹和苏芮已经算够高亢的了,但和Whitney比真是差多了,我其实很喜欢张惠妹和苏芮,但西方人确实是先天的嗓门宽厚。Whitney唱的国歌是我听到的曲调改得最少的一个,基本上就是原来的旋律一点没变。其实这也完全没有必要,能听到她的声音就已经是极大的享受了,谁还管那些呢。

Whitney Houston 之后当然就轮到Mariah Carey了,呵呵,总有人拿她们俩比较,谁是Diva中的NO.1,当然这不是我们外行能下结论的东西。不过我还是很崇拜Mariah Carey,别看她唱Live时打扮得花枝招展透着俗气,其实正如电影《莫扎特传》里莫扎特对奥地利皇帝说过的“我是个俗人,但我的音乐不俗”(原译文如此,不知是否符合史实)。
这次国歌的演唱,Mariah穿得倒不花哨,以高音见长的她出人意料的唱得却不高,既舒缓又婉转,与Whitney的方式完全不一样,期待她与Whitney在高音上一较高下的我还有些失望,然而,就在结尾 O'er the land of the free 的那个free, 也是全曲的最高点时,Mariah Carey发出了她那招牌一样的海豚音。所谓海豚音是一种极高的啸音(Whistle Register),流行音乐界只有不多的人能唱出这种超高音。超女决赛上张靓颖唱了三个海豚音,因此得到热烈的追捧。既然海豚音是人类发音的极限,我认为其实用价值不大,除非你能象Mariah Carey那样在发海豚音的同时还能玩出花样来,否则只是单纯的啸声,没什么意义。总之,Mariah发出的那一声啸音还是相当可观的,据说达到了高音区的B5,极高的高音。

关于这个“free”的唱法还有点话题,2004-2005年度NBA总决赛上(马刺对活塞),2005年American Idol获得者Carrie Underwood(相当于超女李宇春)清唱国歌,也唱得很高,但在唱到最后那个“free”时,只有前半截(因为free 这个词拖得很长)用真声,而后半截以假声代替。我开始以为是她唱不上去才出此下策,后来仔细听了其它几位歌手,包括高音最好的Whitney Houston,“free”的后半截也都是用的假声。看来这个“free”用真声的确是很难上的。我分析是因为不仅该音符奇高,而且需持续数秒种之久,这恐怕已超越了人类真实嗓音的极限了,这正是海豚音可以显身手的地方。

最后是今年(2005)的歌手碧昂斯(Beyonce Knowles)的版本,其实这是我最喜欢的版本。倒不是她的水平已超过了两位前辈,而是因为她唱得确实很好听,不象Faith Hill唱得那么硬,声音充满女性的魅力又决不缺乏力度。Beyonce对国歌曲调作了两处改动也都很妙。据说美国的歌手有对歌曲再创作的传统,在这样的场合,听歌手们对国歌的不同演绎是最有意思的一件事,难得的是她们改得都那么好听。

要找到以上这些现场录象并不难,不过你得会用emule。打开emule, 搜索如下的关键词即可,national anthem superbowl。不过要警告在国外的朋友:国外现在正在打击P2P的盗版问题,尤其是美国和欧洲。下载国歌这些当然没问题,但千万不要下载带有版权的音乐和电影,不然吃了官司我可负不了责任哟。


Oh say can you see,
by the dawn's early light,
what so proudly we hailed,
at the twilight's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
through the perilous fight,
o'er the ramparts we watched,
were so gallantly streaming.

And the rocket's red glare,
the bombs bursting in air,
gave proof through the night,
that our flag was still there.

Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free,
and the home of the brave.


Michael Bolton也唱过



Earlier Super Bowls/NFL Championships featured halftime show consisting of marching bands from local colleges or high schools. But as the popularity of the game increased, so did the potential of exposure. This has led to trend where a number of popular singers and musicians have performed ring its pre-game ceremonies, the halftime show, or even just singing the national song of the United States, "The Star-Spangled Banner" (see Super Bowl anthem performers). Super Bowl XL in 2006 featured Stevie Wonder, Joss Stone, and John Legend ring the pre-game ceremonies; Aaron Neville, Aretha Franklin, and Dr. John performed the Star Spangled Banner; and The Rolling Stones played ring the halftime show. Unlike regular season or playoff games, one hour is allocated for the Super Bowl halftime.

During halftime show of Super Bowl XXXVIII in Houston in the year 2004, Justin Timberlake removed a piece of Janet Jackson's top, exposing her right breast with a star-shaped ring around the nipple. Timberlake and Jackson have maintained that the incident was accidental, calling it a "wardrobe malfunction." To make matters worse, the game was airing on CBS, and MTV (at the time, a corporate sister company of CBS within Viacom), proced the halftime show. Immediately after that live (not tape-delayed) moment, the procer cut to a very wide-angle shot and the announcer said, "Thank you for watching the Super Bowl halftime show!" followed immediately by a commercial break. However, viewers with TiVo captured the moment in detail, and video captures circulated quickly on the Internet.

The NFL, embarrassed from the incident, permanently banned MTV from doing another halftime show in any capacity. This also led to the FCC tightening controls on indecency and fining CBS US$225,000 for the incident, as well as fining each of CBS's then twenty owned and operated stations. The following year, Paul McCartney gave an uncontroversial halftime performance for Super Bowl XXXIX.

Further information: Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy
Except for Super Bowl XXXIX, the famous "I'm Going to Disney World!" Advertising campaign took place at every Super Bowl since it started at Super Bowl XXI. Typically, Disney ran the ad several times ring the game showing several players from both teams practicing the catch-phrase. The campaign has been restarted for Super Bowl XLI.

[edit] Venue


whitney houston 是唱国歌 唱的最好的,音高,力度大, 细腻, 颤音,假音。。。无论哪个都是表现最好的。

听起来,我都想流泪,好像一下子非常的爱国了。 感觉*荡漾啊!!!

说实话, mariah, beyonce 这两位与 whitney相比, 都差了很远一截啊。

whitney 唱功扎实,一些歌曲都已被放进 学生音乐教材 用来教书。可见她的唱的多好,多标准。




