The application of substation installation of microprocessor-based protection
By comparison,the installation of substation microprocessor-based protection has many advantages over the conventional electric relay-based protection, it is the foundation for the development of synthetical automation of the future.
The application of microprocessor-based protection has laid down an excellent foundation for the safety and stability of substation's equipment operations, it also creates convenience to the aspects of daily inspection,check and protection etc.
Key words: Substation Microprocessor-based protection
Usage of transformer substation microcomputer protection device
Summary: The transformer substantion microcomputer protection device has lots of advantage compare with tradition protective relay unit, it is the foundation for the further integrated automation development. microcomputer protection device provide fine foundation for the safety and stablility operation of transformer substation equipment, it provide a conveniences for daily perambulation and troubleshooting.
key words: transformer substation, microcomputer protection, usage
Application on Substation's microprocessor-based protection device
Abstract:The substation's microprocessor-based protection device has many advantages compared with conventional relay device,and it's application has laid a good base for the operation's safety and stability,which actually brings convenience in usual inspections,checks,and maintenances.
Key words:substation, microcomputer-based protection,application
Substation application of microprocessor-based protection device
Abstract: The substation microprocessor-based protection device compared with conventional relay protection has many advantages, the future foundation for the development of integrated automation. The application of microprocessor-based protection devices for the operation of substation equipment, security, stability and lay a good foundation for the said regular inspections, maintenance checks has brought convenience.
Keywords: substation microprocessor-based protection applications