The article investigates the effects of the agglomeration of technological activities on the growth in regional proctivity, applying the notion of pecuniary knowledge externalities. Pecuniary knowledge externalities enable one to appreciate both the gains and losses associated with the regional concentration of knowledge-generating activities. Both are two sides of the same coin. The gains are e to the rection in the prices of knowledge as input into its dedicated markets, while the losses stem from the rection in the prices of knowledge as an output. This analysis allows us to contextualize the effect of geographic proximity on knowledge externalities and their impact on regional growth. Our analysis leads to the hypothesis of an inverted U-shaped relationship between the agglomeration of innovation activities and proctivity growth. The empirical analysis based on a large sample of European regions from 1996 to 2003 supports the hypothesis that agglomeration yields diminishing net positive effects beyond a maximum.
文章调查增长对科技活动的集聚的影响区域生产力,运用金钱知识外部性的概念。金钱知识外部性启用一种欣赏的收益和损失与区域浓度的创造知识的相关活动。两者都是同一个硬币的两面。收益而源于知识作为输出价格减少损失是由于知识作为其专用的市场,投入价格降低。这种分析,使我们能够追随知识外部性对地理接近的影响及对区域经济增长的影响。我们的分析通向创新活动的集聚和生产率增长之间的倒立的 U‐shaped 关系的假说。基于从 1996 年至 2003 年的欧洲地区的大样本的实证分析支持群产量递减超过最大净积极影响的假设。