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有时放弃是一种拥有 有这样一个故事:三个商人带着开采了十年的金子,越洋归国,不幸遇到了暴风雨。一个商人为了保住金子,而被大浪吞没;一个商人为了留下部分金子,最终与船同归于尽;最后一个商人则放弃了船上的金子,乘救生艇逃离了危险。后来他又带领船队,打捞出三条装金子的货船,拥有了三个人的财富。这个故事告诉我们,要想取得成功,要想有所建树,就必须学会放弃。 古人曾说过,鱼,我所欲也;熊掌,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌也。 世间有太多美好的事物,我们不能件件拥有,有些,我们只能无奈的放弃,但你可曾看到,上帝在关上一扇“拥有”的门时,却开了其它的窗。 名人中,也有许许多多放弃的例子,比尔.盖茨放弃了哈佛大学的学业,艰苦创业,他拥有了财富;居里夫妇放弃了对镭制法专利的申请,将制镭技术无偿提供给全人类,他们拥有了全世界的尊重。还有许多人放弃了生命,拥有了伟大,放弃了舒适的生活,拥有了理想。放弃了许多,也就拥有了许多。 放弃是一种豁达;放弃不是懦弱,而是一种勇气;放弃不是妥协,而是一进取;放弃不是萎缩,而是一种生长。放弃是“冷眼世间人情冷暖,闲看庭前花开花落”的雍容;放弃是“枯荣过处皆是梦,忧喜两忘便是“禅”的境界。 施瓦辛格是美国家喻户晓的人物,他在每一个行业取得成功后,都会自动退位让贤。别人问他为什么?他说,花无百日红,更重要的一点他懂得“放弃“的奥妙。 生活中亦是如此 ,当你取得一个辉煌后,在想拥有另一个辉煌,你必须将以前的辉煌放弃 ,从头开始,因为你总想这以前的辉煌,它已成为你的绊脚石, 只有忘掉它,才能追逐另一个辉煌。 正如一首诗里写的那样,放弃了父亲温暖的怀抱,才能有自己活泼的奔跑,放弃满天的星星,才能获得一个崭新的黎明。"大千世界,茫茫人海需要放弃的东西原本很多,没有任何一个人可以拥有整个世界,对于不应该属于我们的更要勇敢地放弃,追求之中放弃,放弃之中追求„„人跋涉于山阻江隔、风急雨骤的人生旅途中,惟有学会放弃才能随遇而安,幸福安详。 放弃也针对*而言,面对*是学习放弃的最好机会。你在复习迎考时和同伴一起玩耍吗?你会在美食面前说出朋友的秘密吗?这种或是贪图暂时的快乐,或是只顾一己之利而放弃另一件更有价值的东西,比如成绩,友谊,是断然不可取的,这样双向的东西无论放弃了哪一边,都会对自己有影响,可性质不同,这时,哪方面对自己更重要些呢?考虑清楚后,就大胆地放弃另一边吧。 这时,你会觉得放弃了也许是一种新的收获,收获到的是放弃后的轻松与惬意。友情是人生的一大风景,拥有朋友的友谊,是我们的快乐!淋浴在友情中,我们与朋友真心的相处,过那种君子之交淡如水的日子,在的发生危难时,伸出友谊的手,做雪中送炭的第一人。 放弃后也会得到获得,这获得就是交朋友的真谛,朋友多无益,朋友“精”才会受益! 这收获就是爱是付出。得到的回报无法放在天平上衡量多少与高低!有一种获得叫放弃,因为曾经的放弃,获得人生的哲理;因为曾经的放弃,学会珍惜;放弃需要勇气!让我们对一切学会放弃,放弃后获得新生,放弃后开始一片新的天地!开始新的人生,收获人生中的成功与期许! 其实人生有的时候会因为放弃显得更加美丽。 懂得放弃,人生才会更加精彩。 有时候,放弃真的是一种拥有,懂得放弃,才能有更美好的未来!
Sometimes give up is a kind of having such a story: three dealers with mining for ten years of gold, overseas returned, unfortunately encountered a storm. A businessman in order to keep the gold, and was swallowed up by waves; a businessman to leave some gold, eventually perish together with the ship; finally a businessman gave up the ship's gold, on a raft out of the danger. Later, he led the fleet, fished out three assembly of gold vessel, with three personal wealth. This story tells us, to succeed, to accomplish something, you must learn to give up. The ancients said, fish, my desire also; paws, also my desire also, the two can not have both fish and bear's paw, she also. There are too many good things, can't we have some pieces,, we can only helpless to give up, but you may have seen, God closes a door "owns" the door, but opened the other window. Celebrities, there are also many give examples, Bill. Gates gave up his studies at Harvard University, carve, he owns the wealth; Curie couples give up on the control method of patent applications, will control technology provided free of charge to all human beings, they have the whole world respect. There are many people give up their lives, have great, gave up the comfortable life, have ideal. Give up many, also have a lot of. To give up is a kind of open-minded; give up is not cowardice, but a kind of courage; give up is not compromise, but a progressive; give up is not shrinking, but a kind of growth. Give up is "cold world Men's feelings are changeable. leisure, see pretrial blossom" grace; give up is "after all is the dream of change, have two forget is the" Zen "realm. Schwarzenegger is America make known to every family figure, his success in every instry, will be automatically out of the way. Others ask him why? He said, flower hundred days of red, the more important point he knows the secret of "give up". Life is so, when you have a brilliant, in wanting to have another brilliant, you must be the former glory of giving up, start from scratch, because you always want to the former glory, it has become a stumbling block, only to forget it, to chase another brilliant. As a poem written before, father gave up the warm embrace, to have their own lively running, to give up the sky of stars, in order to obtain a new dawn. "Universe of 1,000,000,000 universes, the vast sea of humanity to give up many things originally, no one can have the whole world, for should not belong to us more courage to give up, give up give up the pursuit, seeks people trek in the mountain blocking Jiang Ge, the stormy voyage of life, only to learn to give up in order to reconcile oneself to one's situation peace, happiness. Give up also for section, face the temptation is the best opportunity to learn to give up. You are reviewing for a test and peer play together? Will you tell the secret of a friend in front of Food? This is just a temporary or happiness, or just their own benefit and give up the other one more valuable things, such as performance, friendship, is absolutely not desirable, such two-way things give up no matter what side, will have an impact on their own, can be different in nature, then, which is more important to yourself? After careful consideration, he boldly give up the other side. At this time, you will feel give up may be a new harvest, the harvest is relaxed and happy to give up after. Friendship is a scenery of life, with friends, is our happiness! Shower in friendship, we really get along with friends, that A hedge between keeps friendship green. days, in the occurrence of crisis, to extend the hand of friendship, the first person to make timely assistance. After giving up will get get get, this is the true meaning of friends, friends of friends more than good, "fine" will benefit! The harvest is the love is give. Return not on the scale to measure how much and height! There is a kind of get called to give up, because once give up, get a life philosophy; because once give up, learn to cherish; it takes courage to give up! Let us give up to learn to give up after all, rebirth, give up after the beginning of a new world! To start a new life, a successful harvest and expectations in life! In fact, life sometimes give up because of more beautiful. Know how to give up, life will be more wonderful. Sometimes, give up is a really have, know how to give up, to have a better future!


The academic society gives up
Remembered elementary school's time, teacher places an essay contest's opportunity in front of me, but I actually use the short three characters “I to give up” but comes to an end with this, I then scratch the body with this opportunity. My this blame I then so was perhaps timid, but I had not regretted, because of afterward, I discovered that participated schoolmate came back by the outstanding achievement, by now, I only then discovered that I did this gave up is to: She needs this opportunity compared to me, and can better complete this task compared to me!
Yes, each thing is the life only direction, only then the academic society gives up the life can understand completely the life, smiles looks at the life, has the boundless life boundary. Let we own endeavor, lets beautiful give up becomes has the value!
