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With the world by the objective theory of criminal law doctrine to the evolution of subjective, behavioral acts were being replaced as the focus of the study of criminal law. Crime, the suspension form of this situation is in line with modern legislation and the establishment of a penal system in general. Crime is an intentional crime ring the suspension of offenders who have not completed their own volition crime to stop a special form of crime, its uniqueness lies in its behavior to stop because people out of their own will, in this state, behavior will determine the person's subjective behavior stopped. The suspension of the perpetrator is guilty of the special nature of the subjective will, and to identify the specific circumstances of the subjective state is not an easy task, therefore, for the suspension of the legislation made an overview of conditions and the establishment of the criminal responsibility of all countries have different requirements. This article about these issues, combined with the relevant provisions of China, made a further study.




With the world by the objective theory of criminal law doctrine to the evolution of subjective, behavioral acts were being replaced as the focus of the study of criminal law. Crime, the suspension form of this situation is in line with modern legislation and the establishment of a penal system in general. Crime is an intentional crime ring the suspension of offenders who have not completed their own volition crime to stop a special form of crime, its uniqueness lies in its behavior to stop because people out of their own will, in this state, behavior will determine the person's subjective behavior stopped. The suspension of the perpetrator is guilty of the special nature of the subjective will, and to identify the specific circumstances of the subjective state is not an easy task, therefore, for the suspension of the legislation made an overview of conditions and the establishment of the criminal responsibility of all countries have different requirements. This article about these issues, combined with the relevant provisions of China, made a further study.


With the theory of criminal law from objectivism to subjectivism evolution, actor is become the focus of research behavior problems. One who discontinues a crime is complied with the situation of form and become widespread in the establishment of modern legislation a criminal justice system. One who discontinues a crime is an intentional crime in the process of his own volition and offender unfinished is a special kind of crime in criminal, its particularity lies in its stop is the reason for his will, actor in this state, the actor's subjective will decide the behavior of the stop. Due to the particularity of the person who discontinues lies in the subjective wills, and to understand the specific situation and subjective status is not a easy thing, therefore, one who discontinues legislative situation, condition and criminal liability in different countries. Based on these issues, and speak with the relevant provisions in China, and makes a further discussion.


With the theory of criminal law from objectivism to subjectivism evolution, actor is become the focus of research behavior problems. One who discontinues a crime is complied with the situation of form and become widespread in the establishment of modern legislation a criminal justice system. One who discontinues a crime is an intentional crime in the process of his own volition and offender unfinished is a special kind of crime in criminal, its particularity lies in its stop is the reason for his will, actor in this state, the actor's subjective will decide the behavior of the stop. Due to the particularity of the person who discontinues lies in the subjective wills, and to understand the specific situation and subjective status is not a easy thing, therefore, one who discontinues legislative situation, condition and criminal liability in different countries. Based on these issues, and speak with the relevant provisions in China, and makes a further discussion.

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With the theory of criminal law from objectivism to subjectivism evolution, actor is become the focus of research behavior problems. One who discontinues a crime is complied with the situation of form and become widespread in the establishment of modern legislation a criminal justice system. One who discontinues a crime is an intentional crime in the process of his own volition and offender unfinished is a special kind of crime in criminal, its particularity lies in its stop is the reason for his will, actor in this state, the actor's subjective will decide the behavior of the stop. Due to the particularity of the person who discontinues lies in the subjective wills, and to understand the specific situation and subjective status is not a easy thing, therefore, one who discontinues legislative situation, condition and criminal liability in different countries. Based on these issues, and speak with the relevant provisions in China, and makes a further discussion.

