<dataset> file containing sequences in FASTA format
[-h] print this message
[-o <output dir>] name of directory for output files will not replace existing directory
[-oc <output dir>] name of directory for output files will replace existing directory
[-text] output in text format (default is HTML)
[-dna] sequences use DNA alphabet
[-protein] sequences use protein alphabet
[-mod oops|zoops|anr] distribution of motifs
[-nmotifs <nmotifs>] maximum number of motifs to find
[-evt <ev>] stop if motif E-value greater than <evt>
[-nsites <sites>] number of sites for each motif
[-minsites <minsites>] minimum number of sites for each motif
[-maxsites <maxsites>] maximum number of sites for each motif
[-wnsites <wnsites>] weight on expected number of sites
[-w <w>] motif width
[-minw <minw>] minumum motif width
[-maxw <maxw>] maximum motif width
[-nomatrim] do not adjust motif width using multiple alignments
[-wg <wg>] gap opening cost for multiple alignments
[-ws <ws>] gap extension cost for multiple alignments
[-noendgaps] do not count end gaps in multiple alignments
[-bfile <bfile>] name of background Markov model file
[-revcomp] allow sites on + or - DNA strands
[-pal] force palindromes (requires -dna)
[-maxiter <maxiter>] maximum EM iterations to run
[-distance <distance>] EM convergence criterion
[-psp <pspfile>] name of positional priors file
[-prior dirichlet|dmix| type of prior to use
<dataset> file containing sequences in FASTA format
[-h] print this message
[-o <output dir>] name of directory for output files will not replace existing directory
[-oc <output dir>] name of directory for output files will replace existing directory
[-text] output in text format (default is HTML)
[-dna] sequences use DNA alphabet
[-protein] sequences use protein alphabet
[-mod oops|zoops|anr] distribution of motifs
[-nmotifs <nmotifs>] maximum number of motifs to find
[-evt <ev>] stop if motif E-value greater than <evt>
[-nsites <sites>] number of sites for each motif
[-minsites <minsites>] minimum number of sites for each motif
[-maxsites <maxsites>] maximum number of sites for each motif
[-wnsites <wnsites>] weight on expected number of sites
[-w <w>] motif width
[-minw <minw>] minumum motif width
[-maxw <maxw>] maximum motif width
[-nomatrim] do not adjust motif width using multiple alignments
[-wg <wg>] gap opening cost for multiple alignments
[-ws <ws>] gap extension cost for multiple alignments
[-noendgaps] do not count end gaps in multiple alignments
[-bfile <bfile>] name of background Markov model file
[-revcomp] allow sites on + or - DNA strands
[-pal] force palindromes (requires -dna)
[-maxiter <maxiter>] maximum EM iterations to run
[-distance <distance>] EM convergence criterion
[-psp <pspfile>] name of positional priors file
[-prior dirichlet|dmix| type of prior to use
<dataset> file containing sequences in FASTA format
[-h] print this message
[-o <output dir>] name of directory for output files will not replace existing directory
[-oc <output dir>] name of directory for output files will replace existing directory
[-text] output in text format (default is HTML)
[-dna] sequences use DNA alphabet
[-protein] sequences use protein alphabet
[-mod oops|zoops|anr] distribution of motifs
[-nmotifs <nmotifs>] maximum number of motifs to find
[-evt <ev>] stop if motif E-value greater than <evt>
[-nsites <sites>] number of sites for each motif
[-minsites <minsites>] minimum number of sites for each motif
[-maxsites <maxsites>] maximum number of sites for each motif
[-wnsites <wnsites>] weight on expected number of sites
[-w <w>] motif width
[-minw <minw>] minumum motif width
[-maxw <maxw>] maximum motif width
[-nomatrim] do not adjust motif width using multiple alignments
[-wg <wg>] gap opening cost for multiple alignments
[-ws <ws>] gap extension cost for multiple alignments
[-noendgaps] do not count end gaps in multiple alignments
[-bfile <bfile>] name of background Markov model file
[-revcomp] allow sites on + or - DNA strands
[-pal] force palindromes (requires -dna)
[-maxiter <maxiter>] maximum EM iterations to run
[-distance <distance>] EM convergence criterion
[-psp <pspfile>] name of positional priors file
[-prior dirichlet|dmix| type of prior to use
<dataset> file containing sequences in FASTA format
[-h] print this message
[-o <output dir>] name of directory for output files will not replace existing directory
[-oc <output dir>] name of directory for output files will replace existing directory
[-text] output in text format (default is HTML)
[-dna] sequences use DNA alphabet
[-protein] sequences use protein alphabet
[-mod oops|zoops|anr] distribution of motifs
[-nmotifs <nmotifs>] maximum number of motifs to find
[-evt <ev>] stop if motif E-value greater than <evt>
[-nsites <sites>] number of sites for each motif
[-minsites <minsites>] minimum number of sites for each motif
[-maxsites <maxsites>] maximum number of sites for each motif
[-wnsites <wnsites>] weight on expected number of sites
[-w <w>] motif width
[-minw <minw>] minumum motif width
[-maxw <maxw>] maximum motif width
[-nomatrim] do not adjust motif width using multiple alignments
[-wg <wg>] gap opening cost for multiple alignments
[-ws <ws>] gap extension cost for multiple alignments
[-noendgaps] do not count end gaps in multiple alignments
[-bfile <bfile>] name of background Markov model file
[-revcomp] allow sites on + or - DNA strands
[-pal] force palindromes (requires -dna)
[-maxiter <maxiter>] maximum EM iterations to run
[-distance <distance>] EM convergence criterion
[-psp <pspfile>] name of positional priors file
[-prior dirichlet|dmix| type of prior to use