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求一篇以成语故事为题材的作文 有深度、感悟500字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 03:26



热心网友 时间:2023-01-26 02:30

这个故事告诉我们:不要自作聪明,想欺骗别人,实际上是自己欺骗自己;做任何事情要经过再三考虑以后再做,不能随便下结论,那样倒霉的只会是你自己,不会是别人。还有最重要的一点就是不是属于你的东西,你就不能占为己有,无论这个东西你是多么的想得到,这是做人的最基本要求。希望我们每一个人都引以为戒。 Today, I read "the" this idiom story, deeply.
The story is mainly a mercenary who saw a big clock back home, they want to go. But the clock is too big, too heavy, he had moved several times, all can't move. Hence, he found a hammer, the clock to smash, piece take home. Behold the man with the hammer hit clock, issued the intermittent loud bells. He was puzzled that can be heard the sound: "if someone to take," clock? Then he thought out a way: their ears, he thought: if their ears to hear, and the others should also ears to hear. Hence, he safely to hit hard, the sound of a great distance, your honour, he heard noise captured. See here, I involuntarily laughed aloud: that man is stupid.
This story tells us: don't presumptuous, want to deceive others, is actually oneself cheat yourself, Do anything to do after much cogitation later, can't literally conclusions, it will only be as bad, it is not your own people. And the most important is not something that belongs to you, you will not for himself, no matter how much you this thing we want, it is the most basic requirement. Hope every one of us all.
