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The b sound, generally speaking, is a simpler sound that fewer non-native English speakers have trouble with. It is created when the top lip and bottom lip touch each other, blocking the air. When the lips open, the air is pushed out in a small "puff." We call the puff of air the "aspiration" of the sound.

In addition to the aspiration, another important aspect of the b soundis that it is voiced. A sound is voiced when the vocal cords vibrate ring its proction.

The v soundis a fricative. A fricative is created when air is forced out through a small opening in the vocal tract. The air is never completely stopped for a fricative. That means I can say the v sound for a long time, especially when it is at the end of a word.

I cannot do that with a b sound. I can only say it one time, then it is done.

The position of the bottom lip is very important when creating the v sound. To create the v sound, air is forced through a small opening is between the bottom lip and the bottom of the top front teeth. This happens when the bottom lip is tipped, very slightly, into the teeth. At the same time as the bottom lip is tipped close to the teeth, the vocal cords are also vibrating. The vibrating vocal cords make the v soundinto a voiced sound.

