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原文Wingsuiter Jeb Corliss will take part in the first WingsuitWorld Championship, on Tianmen Mountain, Hunanprovince, nine months after a crash. Liu Wei reports inBeijing.Wingsuiter Jeb Corliss broke both ankles and a fibula when flying over Table Mountain in SouthAfrica in January. But just nine months later, he will fly again in China.
In October, Corliss will take part in the first Wingsuit World Championship, to be held onTianmen Mountain in Hunan province, competing with 15 other international wingsuiters.
The location is not new for Corliss, 36, who rocketed through a hole in a 1,300-meter-high cliffon the mountain in September 2011. He jumped from a helicopter 600 meters above the holeand flew toward it. The hole's opening is 131 meters high, 57 meters wide and 60 meters deep.
"It was one of my most fantastic flying experiences, in terms of both the scenic beauty and theunique location," he says.
In January, however, Corliss careered into a rocky outcrop at more than 193 kilometers perhour ring a freefall from the 1,067-meter-high Table Mountain.
His target was a helium balloon, which moved from its original position because of the wind.Corliss crashed into a rock as he struggled to activate the emergency parachute. He then falls61 meters and landed in some bracken.
He spent five weeks in hospital, the place he "fears the most". What he has learned from theincident is never to choose a moving target, but it will not stop him from flying again.
"My whole purpose in life is flying. That's why I eat, drink and wake up every morning."
The race in China, known as "Formula 1 in the air", will see Corliss and other competitors leapfrom a 300-meter-high cliff on Tianmen Mountain. They will fly to the right, before taking asharp turn and flying toward the endpoint.
Joby Ogwyn, an experienced wingsuiter, recently had a test flight that was 45 seconds long.
The race is not for learners or secondary players, in view of the challenge of taking such asharp turn in the air.
"Only about 100 wingsuiters have jumped from a mountain, and we invite the 16 best amongthem, such as Jeb, Joby and the guy you may have seen in Transformers 3 last year," says IiroSeppanen, BASE jumper and president of the World Wingsuit League, referring to the stuntscene in Michael Bay's film.
Corliss hopes the race will raise more awareness of the excitement of wingsuit flying andpromote its development in technology and equipment.
Wingsuiter杰布·科利斯飞越1月在南非桌山(Table Mountain)时摔断了脚踝和腓骨。但九个月后,他将飞往再次在中国。
十月,科利斯将参加在第一翼装高空跳伞世界锦标赛,将在湖南天门山举行,竞争其他国际wingsuiters 15。
是不是新科利斯,36岁的飙升在1300米高的悬崖上了山于2011年9月通过一个孔的位置。他从600米以上的孔和一个直升机飞向它。 131米高,57米,宽60米,深孔的开口。
然而,今年一月,科利斯careered到每小时超过193公里的岩石露头在桌山(Table Mountain)从1067米高的自由落体。
JOBY Ogwyn,经验丰富的wingsuiter,最近有一个长为45秒的飞行试验。
“只有约100 wingsuiters已经从山上跳下,和,BASE跳线和世界的总裁说:”我们邀请了其中的16个最好的,如杰布,JOBY的家伙,你可能已经看到在变形金刚3“去年,Iiro Seppanen翼装高空跳伞联赛中,指的是迈克尔·贝的电影中的特技场景。
