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1, the installation of the size and layout

See "automatic single needle Quilting site preparation manual."

2, installation steps

Relations in accordance with the machines to install the rack assembly components, rack location placed slightly tight after all the connecting screws, adjust the rack so that the eight rack Thread smoothly cylindrical pin penetration, fastening screw connection .

If the machines need to move the location of displacement Y after going to check on the plane to the level of linear guide, the machine can not be activated in order to avoid the level of difference is too large linear guide wear.

On the overall transport aircraft components, are generally not demolished, to the scene only after the re-examination of the adjustment.

Rack installed after the aircraft components saddle rack mounted on the linear guide slide (the saddle rack installation into the direction of attention), fitted with a rack adjustment screw tightening. Then the assembly and calibration good Y direction of transmission. Promote the use of human bodies saddletree mobile rack, easy feeling to promote uniformity without jitter and resistance, and finally fitted with cables and cable towline wear.

NOTE: The rack frame in the saddle after a good place to install! (The process can be installed in accordance with conditions at the scene adjusted)

According to the needs of processing, according to test the size of sewing materials, adjusting the cloth body good.

Computer system installed at the scene, we should first check whether it was due to电控柜connector fell off during transport, loosening; damaged components, etc., if there must correctly handle.

Electrical connection of pneumatic and electric control are two major parts.

Pneumatic part of the link, pay attention to the number of tracheal interface; connection completed to move to manual or pneumatic test all components of action; connected correctly only after the trial run.

Electronically controlled part of the cable connection. The device fully into account the convenience of accurate, reliable and an error will not connect using the intermediate approach terminal adapter. Machines of all the electrical components connected to the middle of all on-line terminal adapter, and switching cabinets and computer terminals connected to the device using the patch. Carrying out electrical connections, the first outside the main cable access in the computer counters at the bottom of the corresponding socket, and the other termination terminal adapter in the middle corresponding to the number on; the last access to complete the electrical power connections. The machine's electrical components of the detailed information and links in the system relations, please refer to the external wiring diagram of electric control.

Foot pressure regulation system

With electronic control system, you can adjust the pressure feet high. Electronic Control orders can also directly control the pressure and raised his foot down. Automatic single needle Quilting unique locking device with the adjustment knob, you can quickly adjust the height of the foot pressure so that it can match the thickness of fabric.

Machine needle point under the dead return of about 4.5 ~ 5mm, machine pinhole along the Tsim Hook about 2mm. Hook did not reveal machine needle tip is appropriate. Hook line position can be expected to adjust the thickness of the appropriate Hook and machine needles.

Finger positioning adjustments (to ensure that the shell and spin Soe Soe gap in the 0.5 ~ 0.8mm)

Soe first shell with finger positioning扣好, Soe shell does not sway; measurement location at this time icon size D.

Will be fixed positioning fingers loose screw adjustment at this time the location of the size of icons d = D + (0.5 ~ 0.8); and then tighten the screw fixation.

Note positioning of fingers protruding above, do not skew.


1, the installation of the size and layout

See "automatic single needle Quilting site preparation manual."

2, installation steps

Relations in accordance with the machines to install the rack assembly components, rack location placed slightly tight after all the connecting screws, adjust the rack so that the eight rack Thread smoothly cylindrical pin penetration, fastening screw connection .

If the machines need to move the location of displacement Y after going to check on the plane to the level of linear guide, the machine can not be activated in order to avoid the level of difference is too large linear guide wear.

On the overall transport aircraft components, are generally not demolished, to the scene only after the re-examination of the adjustment.

Rack installed after the aircraft components saddle rack mounted on the linear guide slide (the saddle rack installation into the direction of attention), fitted with a rack adjustment screw tightening. Then the assembly and calibration good Y direction of transmission. Promote the use of human bodies saddletree mobile rack, easy feeling to promote uniformity without jitter and resistance, and finally fitted with cables and cable towline wear.

NOTE: The rack frame in the saddle after a good place to install! (The process can be installed in accordance with conditions at the scene adjusted)

According to the needs of processing, according to test the size of sewing materials, adjusting the cloth body good.

Computer system installed at the scene, we should first check whether it was due to电控柜connector fell off during transport, loosening; damaged components, etc., if there must correctly handle.

Electrical connection of pneumatic and electric control are two major parts.

Pneumatic part of the link, pay attention to the number of tracheal interface; connection completed to move to manual or pneumatic test all components of action; connected correctly only after the trial run.

Electronically controlled part of the cable connection. The device fully into account the convenience of accurate, reliable and an error will not connect using the intermediate approach terminal adapter. Machines of all the electrical components connected to the middle of all on-line terminal adapter, and switching cabinets and computer terminals connected to the device using the patch. Carrying out electrical connections, the first outside the main cable access in the computer counters at the bottom of the corresponding socket, and the other termination terminal adapter in the middle corresponding to the number on; the last access to complete the electrical power connections. The machine's electrical components of the detailed information and links in the system relations, please refer to the external wiring diagram of electric control.

Foot pressure regulation system

With electronic control system, you can adjust the pressure feet high. Electronic Control orders can also directly control the pressure and raised his foot down. Automatic single needle Quilting unique locking device with the adjustment knob, you can quickly adjust the height of the foot pressure so that it can match the thickness of fabric.

Machine needle point under the dead return of about 4.5 ~ 5mm, machine pinhole along the Tsim Hook about 2mm. Hook did not reveal machine needle tip is appropriate. Hook line position can be expected to adjust the thickness of the appropriate Hook and machine needles.

Finger positioning adjustments (to ensure that the shell and spin Soe Soe gap in the 0.5 ~ 0.8mm)

Soe first shell with finger positioning扣好, Soe shell does not sway; measurement location at this time icon size D.

Will be fixed positioning fingers loose screw adjustment at this time the location of the size of icons d = D + (0.5 ~ 0.8); and then tighten the screw fixation.

Note positioning of fingers protruding above, do not skew.
