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kinds of sports and exercises. Every morning many people get up early and take much exercise. Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, jog, walk or dance to music. In the afternoon,there are also many people keen on sports. Some play basketball or volleyball or table tennis, others go in for gymnastics or track events. Through sports and exercise, people become healthier and stronger.

Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health. They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish. Fat can build up in the arteries, block the flow of blood, and cause a heart attack or stroke.

If people follow these tow ways of keeping fit, they greatly improve their health.


A:hi ,what is up ,buddy (哥们最近混的咋样)
B:oh what a big mess!(郁闷死了)I failed maths twice in roll(我数学挂了2次了)
what's more i have to finish the damn science assignment by this weekend。(这周末还有倒霉的科学作业到期This really piss me off(真叫我头疼)Can you give me hand in the assignment?(帮我作业一把吧!)I promise i will buy you a treat after 。( 我保证请客)
A:alright 。let see 。 Today is tuesday。Well i guess i 'v date my girlfriend tomorrow。.I
think i can spare you on thursday。
B:That is great。(太棒了) I also need your little favors on my math too。I have to make it by end of this semester 。(再有就是帮我温习下数学,期末我必须过关) or I have to face my mom's bad temper. my allowance will be totally none(要么我就不得不看我妈的臭脸了。还有零花钱就要被取消了)
A:oh,my god.! A big deal,talk to you later。i will meet you in your house sharp 6:pm the day after tomorrow!don't forgett buy me a combo Mac and i need a pepsi too。(嘿嘿,真要命。成交!礼拜四下午6点你家见,别忘了给我买个麦克巨无霸,饮料要百事的)!see you。
