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集体行为出现从多代理系统。 “更多的是不同的”[3]。物理学家已经应用统计物理理论,探索了一些简单的模型,从理想气体模型,自旋玻璃,在恐慌模型和网络动态。


This paper asks a new question: how can we control the collective behavior of self-organized multi-agent systems? We try to answer the question by proposing a new notion called ‘Soft Control’, which keeps the local rule of the existing agents in the system. We show the feasibility of soft control by a case study. Consider the simple but typical distributed multi-agent model proposed by Vicsek etal. for flocking of birds: each agent moves with the same speed but with different headings which are updated using a local rule based on the average of its own heading and the headings of its neighbors.Most studies of this model are about the self-organized collective behavior, such as synchronization of headings. We want to intervene in the collective behavior (headings) of the group by soft control. A specified method is to add a special agent, called a ‘Shill’, which can be controlled by us but is treated as an ordinary agent by other agents. We construct a control law for the shill so that it can synchronize
the whole group to an objective heading. This control law is proved to be effective analytically and numerically. Note that soft control is different from the approach of distributed control. It is a natural way to intervene in the distributed systems. It may bring out many interesting issues and challenges on the control of complex systems.
Collective behavior is the high level (macroscopic) property of a self-organized system which consists of a large number of (microscopic) indivials (agents). Examples are synchronization, aggregation, phase transition, pattern formation, swarm intelligence, fashion, etc. People found this kind of phenomena in many systems, such as flocking of birds, schools of fish, cooperation in ant colonies, panic of crowds[1], norms in economic systems[2], etc. Without any question, collective behavior is one of the fundamental and difficult topics of the study of complex systems.We classify the research on collective behavior into three categories.
Given the local rules of agents, what is the collective behavior of the overall system?Many people have been working on this category which is about the mechanism of how
collective behavior emerges from multi-agent systems. “More is different”[3]. The physicists have applied theory of statistical physics to explored some simple models, from the Ideal Gas model, Spin Glasses, to the panic model and network dynamics.
Given the desired collective behavior, what are the local rules for agents?
Some people work on this category. One typical example is Swarm Intelligence. Since the high level function of the overall system can be more than the sum of all indivials, how do we construct robust intelligence by a large number of locally interacting simple agents? An ant is simple and often moves randomly. But a colony of ants can efficiently find the shortest path from their nest to a food source我不会


集体行为出现从多代理系统。 “更多的是不同的”[3]。物理学家已经应用统计物理理论,探索了一些简单的模型,从理想气体模型,自旋玻璃,在恐慌模型和网络动态。
有些人这方面的工作类别。一个典型的例子是群体智能。由于整个系统的高层次的功能可以比所有个人的总和,我们如何建构一个本地代理大量相互作用的简单可靠的情报?一只蚂蚁,往往是简单随意移动。但蚂蚁殖民地可以有效地找到自己的巢中最短路径的食物来源。 |



摘要问一个新问题:我们如何控制的多智能体系统自组织的集体行为吗?我们试图来回答这个问题,提出一个新的概念叫做“软控制”,能使地方*规章现有的代理商,在系统。我们的软控制表明了该方法的可行性,并通过案例。考虑了简单但是典型的分布式多智能体模型对所提出的Vicsek etal.植绒鸟:各代理活动同样的速度却是不同的标题的更新使用当地的基础上,通过规则的平均自己的航向和文章的标题的邻居。大多数研究了该模型的自组织集体行为都是有关,如同步的标题。我们想要介入的集体行为(标题)的集团以软控制。一个指定的方法是增加一个特别探员,被称为“人事”,它能够控制的,但我们却被当作一个普通的代理人被其他的代理商。我们构造了一个控制规律的一番,这样它就可以同步
