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1、抱负,是高尚行为成长的萌芽;用毅力去浇洒,它就开花! Ambition is the sprout of the growth of noble behavior; it blossoms with perseverance. 2、愿你用思索这把金钥匙,去打开疑窦的大门,闯进创造的殿堂。 May you use this golden key to open the door of doubt and break into the palace of creation. 3、骄傲,是断了引线的风筝,稍纵即逝;自卑,是剪了双翼的飞鸟,难上青天,这两者都是成才的大忌。 Pride is the kite that breaks the lead, which is fleeting; self-abasement is the bird that cuts its wings, and it is difficult to go to the sky. Both of them are taboos for success. 4、也许你不情愿,也许你胆怯,但只要能够跨出去,一种温馨而充满活力的生活也许就在你的面前。 Maybe you are reluctant, maybe you are timid, but as long as you can step out, a warm and energetic life may be in front of you. 5、世间最可宝贵的就是今天,最易丧失的也是今天;愿你在未
希望对您有帮助,谢谢 来的一年中,无限珍惜这每一个今天。 The most precious thing in the world is today, and the easiest thing to lose is today. May you cherish every one of these days in the year ahead. 6、愿你在平凡的岗位上,创造出不平凡的业绩来,直到实现远大的理想。 May you create extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions until you achieve lofty ideals. 7、愿同学们在这座美丽的校园里都能健康快乐地成长,愿每一朵花儿都是那么灿烂辉煌。 May all the students grow up healthily and happily in this beautiful campus, and may every flower be so brilliant. 8、新年伊始,希望同学们以书为伴,扬梦想之帆,勇往直前。无愧于青春年华,无悔于点滴付出! At the beginning of the new year, we hope that our students will take the book as our companion and encourage our dream to sail forward. Worthy of youth, no regrets in a bit of pay! 9、朋友让我们用自信的笑脸,去迎接人生的挫折,用百倍的勇毅去战胜一切不幸。 Friends let us use self-confident smile, to meet the setbacks of life, with a hundred times the courage to
希望对您有帮助,谢谢 overcome all unfortunate. 10、新机遇,新挑战!战胜自我,挑战未来! New opportunities and new challenges! Conquer yourself and challenge the future! 11、振作起来,努力为我们既定的目标而奋斗。 Cheer up and work hard for our established goals. 12、信念告诉我的人生,没有比脚更长的道路,没有比人更高的山峰。 Faith tells me that there is no longer road than foot, and no mountain peaks taller than man. 13、再灿烂的阳光也不能消除阴影,再完美的人生也不能没有瑕疵,让我们学会与痛苦同行,去追寻快乐。 No sunshine can eliminate the shadow, no life can be perfect without flaws, let us learn to walk with pain, to pursue happiness. 14、用你的聪明头脑,开启一扇扇智慧的大门;用你勤劳的双手,打造一片属于自己的天空。 Open a door to wisdom with your clever mind; create a sky of your own with your diligent hands.
