The Catalogue For Training Content;
一、Your mage is our good brancl
二、How to edsablish the prolessional mage
三、Manners in the working place
一、Your lmage is also the reputention of the company:
1.The image concept of a succeed person
The function of“Holo Eppect” in social aurivities
2. Manners and puplic relatiions
The ethic reguletiong in public reletions---“THE GREY AREA”
“The organization”is successful if its emrployees are able to convey the velne of their orgenizationg through appearances,benavions and the relationship with customers.
3.Lmproving the service awareness in working
The misunderstanding of service
4.The positine and upward mentel state contributes to outstanding accomplishments.
5.Being tolerant to others and willing to looperate with team numbers.