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舒缓的背景音乐 打包下载






erinnerst dich noch? 你还记得吗
erinnerst dich noch an dein Wort Das mir 你记得的当初对我说的话
gegeben hast? 还有哪些?
erinnerst dich noch? 你还记得吗
erinnerst dich noch an den Tag Andem mir 还记得那一天的你
die Ruinenstadt ist immer noch schön废弃之墟 依旧美丽
ich warte lange Zeit auf deine Rückkehr 我一直在这 守候你归来
in der Hand ein Vergissmeinnicht 紧握着 那支勿忘我
Regentropfen sind meine Tränen 雨滴化作了我的泪水
Wind ist mein Atem und mein Erzählung 风带来了我的呼吸和故事
Zweige und Blätter sind meine Hände 枝叶化作了我的身躯
denn mein Körper ist in Wurzeln gehüllt 因为我的身体被冻结在根须之中
wenn die Jahreszeit des Tauens kommt 当季节更替之时融解
werde ich wach und singe ein Lied 我醒而歌唱
das Vergissmeinnicht,das mir gegeben 你所给我的那朵勿忘我
hast ist hier 就在这儿

试听 http://music.baidu.com/song/179023#c30296c79a1c956ba477ed065456c0af

下载 http://www.haooge.com/down/765.html

Release my soul

Oh Take a look in the mirror you look so sad
It's so cold like that winter market we used to go
I don't cry anymore but I feel so hurt
So I don't need you to close to me
You don't hear me so you said
I don't know why thing have changed since yesterday
This could be love again
All I need is you
Comeback, I'm waiting, Anytime
The heavy rains come
Still I miss days with you
I can't look into your face
Oh Feeling blue and looking back again
Please come back to me
Oh Take a look in the mirror you look so sad
It's so cold like that winter market we used to go
I don't cry anymore but I feel so hurt

So I don't need you to close to me
You don't hear me so you said
I don't know why thing have changed since yesterday

This could be love again
All I need is you
Comeback, I'm waiting, Anytime
The heavy rains come
Still I miss days with you
I can't look into your face
Oh Feeling blue and looking back again

Please come back to me

To stay with you always
You're the world to me, and dreaming on
So you can take my sword for you
How do you feel, so fine
You're the world to me, and dream on
You stole my heart so long ago
So I release my soul
So you hear my song

试听 http://music.baidu.com/song/1754#9baebb39b4a6a14e833f3b69c1ba7062

下载 http://sc.111ttt.com/up/mp3/138800/A7439CF13F39AE6DC19F1E872CA3353E.mp3


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