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英语辩论赛:科技发展的利与弊~我是反方,请问怎么辨好?(英文版哟)谢 ...





In the debate on the pros and cons of technological advancement, as the opponent, it's crucial to effectively argue the negative impacts of technology. Here's a refined list of points to consider:
1. Weapons of mass destruction: The development of nuclear technology has led to the creation of atomic bombs, posing immense threats to humanity and the planet.
2. Pollution and drastic climate change: Industrial progress has caused pollution and contributed to global warming, leading to severe environmental consequences.
3. Ecological imbalance: Technological advancement has led to the extinction of numerous species, disrupting the natural balance of ecosystems.
4. Depletion of natural resources: The relentless pursuit of energy and materials has depleted finite resources like fossil fuels, with irreversible effects on the environment.
5. Decreased personal productivity: Advances in entertainment technology have provided numerous distractions, such as smartphones and the internet, potentially reducing personal productivity.
6. Invasion of privacy: The proliferation of surveillance technology has raised concerns about privacy infringement.
When preparing your argument, focus on how technology has negatively impacted society or individuals. However, remember that:
1. Science and technology are distinct entities with different roles in human progress. It's easier to criticize technology than science itself.
2. Technology is a double-edged sword, being either beneficial or harmful based on its application.
Your opponent may attempt to counter your points by showing the dual nature of technological advancements. For instance, the same scientific principle behind nuclear energy can be harnessed for both electricity generation and the creation of nuclear weapons.
Prepare to address these challenges and present a compelling case against the overarching benefits of technological development. Good luck in your debate!
