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首席执行官:Yves Guillemot






2007-08财年销售额:9.28 亿欧元





The Rayman® range 雷曼系列: 2500万游戏发售量

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell® *细胞: 超过1900万游戏发售量

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® 彩虹六号: 超过2100万游戏发售量

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® 幽灵行动: 超过1700万游戏发售量

Driver® : 1400万游戏发售量

Prince of Persia® 波斯王子: 1300万游戏发售量

Settlers® 工人物语: 700万游戏发售量

Assassin's Creed™刺客信条: 800万游戏发售量

Anno®: 5 00万游戏发售量

Brothers in Arms 兄弟连: 600万游戏发售量

- Imagine™: 1100万游戏发售量

- Far Cry®孤岛惊魂: 600万游戏发售量

- Red Steel™: 1 00万游戏发售量
Shaun White: 200万游戏发售量





Activity: Ubisoft is a leading international developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment procts.
Founded: 1986
CEO: Yves Guillemot
Worldwide Headquarters: Montreuil-sous-Bois, France
Ubisoft studios: 2nd largest in-house development staff in the world with 24 studios in 17 countries
Subsidiaries: In 26 countries
Distribution: In 55 countries
Staff: More than 6,400 collaborators worldwide (more than 5,350 dedicated to proction)
Sales FY2008-09: 871 million euros
End of fiscal year: March 31st
Share: Listed on "Premier Marché" of Paris Stock Exchange
Worldwide best-selling franchises:

- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six®: 23 million units sold
- Petz®: 22 million units sold
- Rayman®: 20 million units sold
- Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell ®: 20 million units sold
- Assassin’s Creed®: 19 million units sold
- Imagine™: 18 million units sold
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon®: 17 million units sold
- Driver®: 15 million units sold
- Prince of Persia®: 14 million units sold
- The Settlers®: 8 million units sold
- Rayman Raving Rabbids®: 8 million units sold
- Brothers in Arms®: 7 million units sold
- Far Cry®: 7 million units sold
- Anno™: 5 million units sold
- Shaun White Snowboarding: 4 million units sold
- Coach: 4 million units sold
- Just Dance™: 3 million units sold
- Red Steel®: 2 million units sold
- Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X™: 1 million units sold
Ranking: - 3rd independent publisher in Europe
- 3rd independent publisher in the U.S.

Sources : NPD, Chart Track, GFK – In value terms - Calendar 2009.
Gaming portal: Ubi.com attracts 5 million unique visitors each month
1986 正式成立
Ubisoft Entertainment S.A 由Guillemot 五兄弟于1986年在法国创立,从事教育软件和游戏软件等的出版和发行。

公司随着个人电脑上一系列诸如Amstrad™,Atari™,Amiga™等品牌的成功以及和Elite™, Electronic Arts,Sierra,LucasArts™,Novalogic® 等一些当时欧洲一线游戏发行公司的合作迅速成长。

1991 国际化扩张

1992/96 第一个制作室
1992/96 年在法国和罗马尼亚首次建立了自主游戏制作室。




1997/99 内部发展
1997/99 在中国,加拿大,西班牙,意大利,摩洛哥,以及后来在Morocco和Annecy成立了制作室。

2000/01 外部发展
Ubisoft Entertainment S.A 股票进入巴黎主板股票市场。
- Redstorm Entertainment (美国),以制作Tom Clancy系列游戏而闻名
- Blue Byte Software (德国)以及有名的《工人物语》,《战斗之岛》系列游戏
- 美国Learning公司下属的制作室,以及包括《波斯王子》,《象棋大师》,《神秘岛》在内的,拥有独家发行权的80多个游戏品牌。
发布游戏门户网站 ubi.com

2002/04 成功的品牌
拥有众多畅销品牌和大奖,特别是Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell®, Prince of Persia® The Sands of Time,Far Cry™, Beyond Good and Evil™, XIII,Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® 3。



2004/05 进军好莱坞
- 和环球影视城消费品集团公司达成协议,根据三获奥斯卡奖的导演Peter Jackson的翻拍作品《金刚》开发同名游戏。
- 和索尼影视消费品产品公司签订了开发第一部基于索尼影视动画公司电脑动画特效的游戏。
- 和LucasArts公司签订了制作《星战前传3:西斯的复仇》掌机游戏的授权协议。


2005/06 育碧成立20周年 进军次世代


凭借Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter™等作品,奠定了基于Microsoft’s Xbox 360™平台的视频游戏及娱乐系统的领先地位。

2006/08 育碧: 娱乐行业的领军者
排名的上升 —— 2007年,育碧成为全球(除亚洲外)排名第三的游戏经销商。


成功收购Reflections Interactive (英国), Massive Entertainment (瑞典),以及日本的一些开发工作室。

2007年11月发布热作Assassin’s Creed®,该游戏作品成为美国和英国有史以来最畅销的视频游戏品牌。

成功收购Far Cry® 和Anno® 游戏相关版权,之后更一举获得Tom Clancy系列视频游戏相关的所有知识产权和相关产品。


******************************************************************************1986 DEBUT
Ubisoft Entertainment S.A, an ecational software and video game publishing and distribution company, is created by the five Guillemot brothers.

Growing success with a series of hits on PC, Amstrad™, Atari™ and Amiga™ and first distribution partnerships with the leading U.S. and European video game publishers : Elite™, Electronic Arts, Sierra, LucasArts™, Novalogic®…

Creation of distribution subsidiaries in key world markets: United Kingdom, Germany and the U.S.

Creation of the first in-house proction studios in France and Romania.

Launch of Rayman®, an action/adventure game based on the exploits of the now famous character with no arms and no legs

Inauguration of distribution subsidiaries in Japan, Italy, and Australia.

Ubisoft Entertainment S.A. is listed on the Second Market of the Paris Stock Exchange

The signing of partnership deals with big players in the entertainment instry, such as Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment and Disney

Creation of new proction studios in China, Canada, Spain, Italy, Morocco, and later in Montpellier and Annecy

Transfer of Ubisoft Entertainment S.A’s. shares to the First Market of the Paris Stock Exchange

Acquisition of two distribution companies and several studios including

- Redstorm Entertainment (USA), famous for developing Tom Clancy’s games
- Blue Byte Software (Germany), well known for leading titles The Settlers and the Battle Isles Series
- Game Studio, the game division of The Learning Company (United States) and the 80 titles for which it has exclusive publishing rights, including Prince of Persia®, Chessmaster® and Myst®

Launch of an online game portal: ubi.com

Domination of the charts and numerous awards, in particular for Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell®, Prince of Persia® The Sands of Time, Far Cry™, Beyond Good and Evil™, XIII, and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® 3.

Opening of distribution subsidiaries in South Korea, Finland, Canada and Switzerland, and acquisition of the Tiwak studio in France

Birth of a new corporate logo, and announcement of the one hundred millionth game unit sold

Licensing deals signed with major Hollywood companies, including
- Universal Studios for the proction of a game based on three-time Academy Award® winning director Peter Jackson’s remake of King Kong
- Sony Pictures Consumer Procts, to develop videogames based on Sony Pictures Animation’s first CGI motion pictures
- LucasArts, to develop Star Wars®: Episode III Revenge of the Sith for handheld consoles

Establishment of the Ubisoft Campus in Canada

A 20th anniversary celebration to kick off 2006

The positive materialization of an early positioning on next-gen consoles

An established leadership position on Microsoft’s Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system, with titles such as Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter™

Ascension to the top of the rankings – Ubisoft becomes 3rd independent game publisher worldwide in 2007 (excluding Asia)

Opening of new studios in Bulgaria, China, Singapore, India and Ukraine, and business offices in Mexico and Poland

Acquisition of Reflections Interactive (UK), Massive Entertainment (Sweden), as well as development studios in Japan

The release of hit title Assassin’s Creed® (November 2007) to become the fastest-selling brand ever in the history of video games in the US and UK

Acquisition of the rights related to the Far Cry® and Anno® brands, and later all of the intellectual property rights associated with the Tom Clancy brand for video games and other related merchandise

Increase in the number of multimillion unit-selling brands in Ubisoft’s portfolio from 10 to 14.

2008 – Tom Clancy’s EndWar™ – Best Strategy Game, Games Critics: Best of E3
2008 – Shaun White Snowboarding – Best Sports Game, IGN: Best of E3 2008
2008 – Assassin’s Creed® – Outstanding Achievement in Animation, AIAS



Company Profile
Blizzard Entertainment® is a premier publisher of entertainment software. Since establishing the Blizzard label in 1994, the company has quickly become one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games.

With blockbuster hits including World of Warcraft® and the Warcraft®, Diablo®, and StarCraft® series, the company has enjoyed back-to-back number-one selling games, as well as consecutive Game of the Year awards. The company's free online game service, Battle.net®, is the largest in the world with millions of active users.

The company's most recent release was World of Warcraft®, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) based on the award-winning Warcraft series. It launched on November 23, 2004 in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, and promptly shattered all sales records for a PC title, as well as setting records for account creation and peak concurrency for an online game. It became the fastest PC title to sell over 240,000 units, with the biggest day one sell through in PC history. With a current subscriber base of more than 1.5 million players, World of Warcraft is now the biggest online game in North America.

Within a few months of launching in North America, World of Warcraft also launched in Korea and Europe. On January 18, 2005, World of Warcraft released in Korea, and quickly became one of the top MMORPGs in the country. The game then launched in Europe on February 11, 2005, to even greater success than in North America. In its first day alone, World of Warcraft sold through over 280,000 copies. Today, Europe has over 900,000 active subscribers. Worldwide, World of Warcraft enjoys a total subscriber population of over 5 million players.

On June 6, 2005, World of Warcraft launched in China and has since become one of the most popular online games in the country. World of Warcraft then launched a few months later in the region of Taiwan on November 8, 2005, and has been rapidly growing in popularity as well.

Prior to World of Warcraft, Blizzard released Warcraft® III: The Frozen Throne™ in 2003. This highly anticipated expansion pack to Warcraft® III: Reign of Chaos™ was hailed as a "terrific, full-featured expansion for Warcraft III that makes an already outstanding game significantly more so."**

Upon release, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos was "the fastest selling PC game ever"* and has won several accolades since the game shipped to retail outlets in July of 2002. The original Warcraft®: Orcs and Humans™ was touted as one of the best strategy games of 1994; and the game's epic sequel, Warcraft® II: Tides of Darkness™, has won many accolades including Game of the Year and Best Multiplayer Game.

In 2001, Blizzard released Diablo® II: Lord of Destruction™, the expansion set for 2000's record-setting bestseller Diablo II. Selling over a million copies in its first month of release, Lord of Destruction has been called "the definitive add-on,"* and was one of the biggest sellers of 2001.The original Diablo®, which released January 1997, debuted at number one in the United States and was named Game of the Year.

StarCraft®, which released in March 1998, was the company's third number-one selling game and was named the best-selling game of 1998 by PC Data. The game's expansion set, StarCraft®: Brood War™ was widely acclaimed and was named best expansion of 1998.

Prior to the release of Warcraft, the company served as a third-party developer creating entertainment software for a variety of platforms including DOS, Macintosh, Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo. Some of the company's best-known titles include Rock 'n Roll Racing, The Lost Vikings, Blackthorne, and The Death and Return of Superman.

The Blizzard research and development group is comprised of more than 250 designers, procers, programmers, artists, and sound engineers. Each member of the Blizzard staff is a true game enthusiast, which provides the company invaluable insight to creating procts for the gaming instry.

In March 1996, Blizzard acquired Blizzard North, a concentrated team of developers specializing in high-quality entertainment procts for computer and home console systems. Located in San Mateo, Calif., Blizzard North strives to push gaming technology to the next level.

Headquartered in Irvine, Calif., Blizzard Entertainment was founded in 1991 under the name Silicon & Synapse by Allen Adham, president Michael Morhaime and senior vice president Frank Pearce.

Blizzard Entertainment is a division of Vivendi Universal Games, an operating unit of Vivendi Universal. Vivendi Universal is listed on the French stock exchange (#12777) and also the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol 'V.'

* Based on EDI sell-through, internal company records, and reports from key distribution partners around the world.

**GameSpot, July 2003 -------时间



Command & Conquer, abbreviated to C&C and also known as "Tiberian Dawn",[2][3][4] is a 1995 real-time strategy computer game developed by Westwood Studios for MS-DOS and published by Virgin Interactive. It was the first of twelve games to date to be released under the Command & Conquer label, including a prequel and five sequels. On August 31, 2007, current publisher and owner of the C&C franchise Electronic Arts made Command & Conquer (Windows95/Gold version) freely available for download from their official website, to mark the franchise's 12th anniversary.

Set in an alternate history 1995, Command & Conquer tells the story of two globalized factions: the Global Defense Initiative of the United Nations, and the ancient quasi-cult, quasi-state organization, the Brotherhood of Nod. The factions become locked in a mortal struggle for control over a mysterious resource known as Tiberium that is slowly spreading and infecting the world.

Met with acclaim by consumers and critics, Command & Conquer was released for seven separate platforms along with becoming the initiator of the Command & Conquer franchise, and today generally is considered as the title which originally defined and popularized the modern real-time strategy genre.

