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^ Yolton, John.《约翰·洛克与教育》,纽约:Random House (1971), 6.^ Ezell, Margaret J.M. 《约翰·洛克的儿童形像:18世纪早期对〈教育漫话〉的回应》,18世纪研究 17.2 (1983-4), 141.^ Tarcov, Nathan:《洛克的自由教育》,芝加哥大学出版社(1984), 80.剑桥大学出版社(1968), 60.^ Qtd. in Frances A. Yates, “Giodano Bruno与牛津的冲突.” Journal of the Wartburg Institute 2.3 (1939), 230.^ 洛克:《教育漫话》^ Ezell, 140.^ Tarcov, 83ff and Jolley 28ff.^ Hardyment, Christina. Dream Babies: Child Care from Locke to Spock. 伦敦:Jonathan Cape (1983), 226; 246-7; 257-72.^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,11页^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,12页^ 例如,纽伯瑞在A Little Pretty Pocket-Book的序言中,劝告父母们养育子女,要“只吃普通的食物,穿单薄的衣物,let him have good Exercise, and be as much exposed to 艰苦 as his natural Constitution will admit”因为“儿童的面部,当它来到世上时非常娇嫩,比身体其他部分更容易受伤害;但由于总是处于暴露状态,就变得能抵御最严峻的季节,以及最严酷的气候。” A Little Pretty Pocket-Book, Intended for the Instruction and Amusement of Little Master Tommy, and Pretty Miss Polly. 第10版,伦敦:Printed for J. Newbery (1760), 6.^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,25页^ Yolton, Two Intellectual Worlds, 31-2.^ 见洛克:《人类理解论》,-91.^ Yolton, Introction, 22-4.^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,34-38页^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,,34页^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,68页^ Yolton, John Locke and Ecation, 29-30; Yolton, Two Intellectual Worlds, 34-37; Yolton, Introction, 36-7.^ Yolton, Introction, 38.^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,148页^ 洛克:《教育漫话》,143页^ Bantock, G. H. 'The Under-labourer' in Courtly Clothes: Locke. 教育理论的历史研究:Artifice and Nature, 1350-1765. London: George Allen and Unwin (1980), 241.^ Bantock, 240-2.^ John Dunn在他有影响的著作《洛克的*思想》中,将 this calling 解释为加尔文派宗教教义。Tarcov 批评这种解释,写道:“Dunn’s exposition of the doctrine and its providentialist character 是基于清教徒 and 第二手来源, and 他没有给出清楚的证据 for attributing it in this form to Locke.”(Tarcov 127)^ Bantock, 244.^ Ezell, 147.^ Pickering, Samuel F., Jr. 《洛克与18世纪英格兰的儿童书籍》,诺克斯维尔:田纳西大学出版社(1981), 10; See Axtell 100-104 for a complete list of editions.教育漫话-参考书目 Bantock, G. H. 'The Under-labourer' in Courtly Clothes: Locke. Studies in the History of Ecational Theory: Artifice and Nature, 1350-1765. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1980. ISBN 0043700926.Brown, Gillian. The Consent of the Governed: The Lockean Legacy in Early American Culture. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001. ISBN 06740029.Brown, Gillian. Lockean Pediatrics. Annals of Scholarship 14.3/15.1 (2000-1): 11-17.Chambliss, J. J. John Locke and Isaac Watts: Understanding as Conct. Ecational Theory as Theory of Conct: From Aristotle to Dewey. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987. ISBN 08870639.Chappell, Vere, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Locke. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN 0521387728.Cleverley, John and D. C. Phillips. Visions of Childhood: Influential Models from Locke to Spock. New York: Teachers College, 1986. ISBN 0807728004.Ezell, Margaret J. M. John Locke’s Images of Childhood: Early Eighteenth Century Responses to Some Thoughts Concerning Ecation. Eighteenth-Century Studies 17.2 (1983-4): 139-55.Ferguson, Frances. Reading Morals: Locke and Rousseau on Ecation and Inequality. Representations 6 (1984): 66-84.Gay, Peter. Locke on the Ecation of Paupers. Philosophers on Ecation: Historical Perspectives. Ed. Amélie Oksenberg Rorty. London: Routledge, 1998. ISBN 0415191300.Leites, Edmund. Locke's Liberal Theory of Parenthood. Ethnicity, Identity, and History. Eds. Joseph B. Maier and Chaim I. Waxman. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1983. ISBN 0878554610.Locke, John. The Ecational Writings of John Locke. Ed. James L. Axtell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968. ISBN 0521407366.Pickering, Samuel F., Jr. John Locke and Children’s Books in Eighteenth-Century England. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1981. ISBN 087049290X.Sahakian, William S. and Mabel Lewis. John Locke. Boston: Twayne, 1975. ISBN 0805735399.Simons, Martin. What Can't a Man Be More Like a Woman? (A Note on John Locke's Ecational Thought) Ecational Theory 40.1 (1990): 135-145.Tarcov, Nathan. Locke's Ecation for Liberty. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. ISBN 02267721.Yolton, John. John Locke and Ecation. New York: Random House, 1971. ISBN 0394310322.Yolton, John. Locke: Ecation for Virtue. Philosophers on Ecation: Historical Perspectives. Ed. Amélie Oksenberg Rorty. London: Routledge, 1998. ISBN 0415191300.
